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Showing results 1 to 20 of 4597  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2016A 10-year retrospective study of suicide in Sikkim, India: Sociodemographic profile and risk assessmentChettri, Reshma; Gurung, Jiwan; Singh, Bisu
2016A 10-year retrospective study of suicide in Sikkim, India: Sociodemographic profile and risk assessmentChettri, R; Gurung, J; Singh, B
2005100 Sikkim Himalayan OrchidsPradhan, Mohan
Sep-201914th International Congress for Applied Mineralogy (ICAM2019)Glagolev, Sergey
20081857 In North East: A Reconstruction From Folk and Oral SourcesKar, Subir
201520 Years of Great Governance: The Remarkable Public Policies that Made Sikkim the Best Governed Small State of IndiaRai, P D, Ed.
201825 Years of Transformation of Higher Education Systems in Post-Soviet Countries.HUISMAN, JEROEN; SMOLENTSEVA, ANNA; FROUMIN, ISAK
23-Aug-20183D Recording and Interpretation for Maritime ArchaeologyMcCarthy, John K.; Benjamin, Jonathan; Winton, Trevor; Wendy van, Duivenvoorde
20108-(Diphenyl-phosphan-yl)quinolineNag, S; Cibian, M; Hanan, G.S.
2013Academic Achievement of High School Students Having Differential Levels of Problem Soving AbilityKishor, Vimal
2014Academic Achievement of High School Students Having Differential Levels of Reasoning AbilityKishor, Vimal
2010Academic Achievement of High School Students in Relation to their Creative EnviromentKishor, Vimal
2015Academic Achievement, Achievement Motivation and Home Environment Among High School StudentsKishor, Vimal
2014Academic Achivement in Engineering: Does Emotional Intelligence MatterRama Devi, V.; Narayanamma, P. Lakshmi
Mar-2021Academic Stress, Family Environment and Self Esteem as Predictors of Depression and Suicide Ideation in AdolescentsRai, Sumnima
2018Access to Online Resources;A Guide for the Modern LibrarianBotyriute, Kristina
2015Accounting & Finance V.55 (1-4) March.- Dec., 2015-
2016Accounting & Finance; V.56 (1-4) March.- Dec., 2016-
2017Accounting & Finance; V.57 (1-4) March-Dec., 2017-
2016The Accounting Historians Journal V. 43 (1) 2016-