000 00389nam a2200133Ia 4500
999 _c177344
020 _a9780754677574
040 _cCUS
082 _a335.4
245 0 _aKarl Marx (The International Library of Essays in Classical Sociology)/
_cOllman,Bertell [ed.]
260 _aEngland:
_bAshgate Pub Co,
300 _a658
505 _aPART I THEORY AND METHOD Gcorg Liikacs (1972). "Reiflcation and tlie Con.sciousness ofthe Proletariat", in Hislory ami Class Consciaiisncss. Cambridge. MA: MIT Press, pp. 83M03. Raya I3unayevskaya (2000). ' The Age of Revolutions: Industrial. Social-Political, Intellectual", in Marxisai ami h'rccdoni: From I~''6 until I'oilay. New York: llumanit\' Books, pp. 27 37. Bertell Oilman (1990). "Putting Dialectics to Work: Tlie Process of Abstraction in Mar\"s Method". Rclhinkiny Marxism. 3. pp. 26 74. Peter G. Stillman (1983). "The Unity of Science and Revolution: Marxism as Critique" (also appeared as •Mar.\"s Enterprise of Critique"), in Roland Pcnnock (ed.). Marxism. New York: New York University Press, pp. 252-76. Hilde Weiss (and Karl Marx) (1979). "Karl Marx"s "l"nquete Ouvriere"'". _ in Tom Bottomore (ed.). Karl Marx. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. pp. 172-84. PARTH POLITICAL ECONOMY David McNally (2008). "From Financial Crisis to World Slump; Accumulation. Financialization. and the Global Slowdown", presented at Historical Materialism Conference. London. 8 November 2008. pp. 133-54. Martha E. Gimenez (2007). "Self-Sourcing: How Corporations Get Us To Work Without Pay!". Monthly Revie^v. 59. pp. 37 41. Fredy Perlman (1972). The Reproduction of Daily Life. Detroit. MI: Black and Red Books, pp. I 24. Immanuel Wallerstein (1974). "The Rise and Future Demise ofthe World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis". Comparative Studies in Society and History. 16. pp. 387 415. David Harvey (2004). 'The "New"" Imperialism: Accumulation by Dispossession". Socialist Register. 40. pp. 62 87. L PART III STATE AND POLITICS 11 Michael Parenti (1990), 'Tlie Constitution as an Elitist Document', in Bertell Oilman and Jonathan Bimbaum (eds). The United States Constitution: 200 Years of Anti-federalist, Abolitionist, Feminist, Muckraking, Progressive, and Especially Socialist Criticism, New York: New York University Press, pp. 141-62. 12 Franz Neumann (1973), 'The Monopolistic Economy: Property and Contract', a selection from Behemoth: The Structure and Practice of National Socialism, 1933-1944, as reprinted in Jeffry Kaplow (ed.). Western Civilization: Mainstream Readings and Radical Critiques, New York: Knopf, pp. 353-62. 13 Vincent Navarro (2006), 'The Worldwide Class Struggle', Monthly Review, 58, pp. 18-33. 14 Karl Renner (1979), 'The Economic and Social Functions of the Legal Institutions', in Tom Bottomore (ed.), Karl Marx, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp. 123-7. 15 Nicos Poulantzas (1969), 'The Problem of the Capitalist State', New Left Review, 58, pp. 67-87, and Ralph Miliband (1970), 'The Capitalist State: Reply to Nicos Poulantzas', New Left Review, 59, pp. 53-60. 16 Ernest Mandel (1994), 'The Marxist Case for Revolution Today', in Steve Bloom (ed.). Revolutionary Marxism and Social Reality in the 20th Centtuy: Collected Essays of Ernest Mandel, Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, pp. 179-206 (originally appeared in Socialist Register, 25, [1989], pp. 159-84). PART IV THE INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY 17 Erich Fromm (1989), 'Psychoanalysis and Sociology', in Stephen Eric Bronner and Douglas MacKay Kellner (eds). Critical Theory and Society: A Reader, New York: Routledge, pp. 37-9. 18 Ellen Meiksins Wood (1990), 'The Uses and Abuses of "Civil Society'", Socialist Register, 26, pp. 60-84. 19 Georg Rusche (1978), "Labor Market and Penal Sanction: Thoughts on the Sociology of Criminal Justice', Crime and Social .Justice, 10, pp. 1-8. 20 Michael D. Yates (2008), 'The Injuries of Class', Monthly Review, 59, pp. 1-10. 21 Sut Jhally and Bill Livant (1991), 'Spoils and Cultural Politics: The Attraction of Modern Spectator Sports'. Rethinking Marxism, 4, pp. 121-7. PART V CULTIIRF AND RFLICWON 22 Max I lorkhciiiicr and Flicodor VV. Adorno. trans. l:dnuind Jcplicoll (2002). cxccrpt from " The Culture Industix: l-nliuiitcnmcnt as Mass [Reception", in Diii/fLlic of En/ii^/ucnnieni: i^hilosoj^Jucitl Stanibrd. CA: Stanford llniversit\ Press, pp. 04 i l l. 268 0. 2.1 Paul Werner (2012), ■Museum. Inc.: Inside the Cilobal Art World (Over-the-ClilTNotes)", pp. I I I . 24 fredric Jameson ( 1001 ). excerpt from ' fhe Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism", in Posinioclcniism. or iht' Cultural Lo^ic of I.ate Capitalism, fJurham. NC: Duke L)niversit\ Press, pp. I 16 (originall\ appeared in Vc'if Ac;// Review-. 146 ( 1084). pp. 64). 25 Ishay Landa (2005). "Aroma and Shadow: Marx vs. Niet/sche on Religion" Nature. Soeiety. am! Thouyht. 18. pp. 461 00. PARTY! HISTORY 26 L.P. Thompson ( 1063). "Lxploitation". in The Makitty of the Euyli.sh Working Class. London: Victor Gollancz. pp. 180 212. 27 Perr}' Anderson (1074). "'rhc Feudal Mode of Production", in Pa.ssayes from .■inticiuily to Feudalism. London: New l.elt Books, pp. 147-54. 28 G.L.M. de Ste. Croix ( 1081 ). 'The Decline and Fall of Rome", excerpts from Class Struggle in the . tneient Creek World: From the .Arehaie . tge to the . {rah Coiu/uest. London: Duckw orth, pp. 453. 407 503. PART VH COLONIALISM, RACF. AND CFNDFR 20 C.L.R. James (writing under the name J.R. Johnson) (1043), "Negroes in the Civil War: Their Role in the Second American Revolution", New International. 9, pp. 338 41 . 30 Oliver C. Cox (1048), excerpts from "Race Relations Its Meaning, Beginning, and Progress", in Caste. Class, and Raee: .4 Study in Soeial IJynamies. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp. 321 35. 31 Nancy C.M. Hartsock (1983). "The Feminist Standpoint: Developing the Ground for a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism", in Sandra Harding and Merrill B. Hintikka (eds), Fiseovering Reality: Feminist Perspeetives on Epi.stemologv. Metaphysies. Methodology, and Philosophy ofSeienee. Boston: D. Reidel, pp. 283 310. 32 Kevin B. Anderson (2002). "Marx"s l^ate Writings on Non-Western and Precapitalist Societies and Gender", Rethinking Marxism. 14, pp. 84-96. PART VIII ECOLOGY 33 John Bellamy Foster (2002), 'Marx's Ecology in Historical Perspective', International Socialism Journal, 96. pp. 71-86. 34 Paul Burkett (2005), 'Marx's Vision of Sustainable Human Development'. Monthly Review, 57, pp. 34-62. Name Index j
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