Menon, Visalakshi.

From movement to government: the Congress in the United Provinces, 1937-42/ Visalakshi Menon. - New Delhi ; Sage Publications, 2003. - 363 p. : maps ; 23 cm. - Sage series in modern Indian history, 4. .

Series Editors' Preface 11
List of Maps 14
List of Abbreviations 15
Acknowledgements 17
Introduction 21
One:The Background: Revival of the Congress 34
Organization inthe UP
1934-35:Picking Up Old Threads, 36
Adding New Ones •
1936-37:The Lucknow Congress and 49
the Election Campaign
February-July 1937: Consolidating 63
the Election Gains

Two: The Working of the Congress Ministry Release of Political Prisoners
The United Provinces Tenancy Act Debt, Rent and Market Regulations Welfare Measures:Literacy,Rural
Development and Prohibition Labour and the Ministry
The Ministry and the Communal Problem Conclusion

8 From Movement to Govemme11t
Three: The Mushrooming of Mass Organizations 133
The Released Political Prisoners 135
Youth Leagues 138
Students' Organizations 144
The Volunteer Movement 152
Four: An Amicable Existence: The UP Congress 161
Socialist Party, 1937-39
Nature of the Organization 162
Organizational Work 169
Relations with the Congress and 181
the Communists
Conclusion 191
Five: The Agrarian Angle: The UP Kisan Sangh 193
The Backdrop 193
A District-wise Analysis 212
Elements of Sectarianism 225
Six: The Fabric of the Congress Organization: 231
The UPCC, 1937-39
Building a Grass Roots Organization 231
Differences within the UPCC 234
Coping with Increased Numbers 244
Muslim Representation in the UP Congress 248
Conclusion 254
Sevel).: Congress and the War: A Return to Gandhi? 256
The Ministries Resign 262
Gandhi's Meeting with UP Congressmen 267
Reviving the Volunteer Movement 269
The Ramgarh Session of the Congress 271
Formation of Satyagraha Samitis 273
Revival of Revolutionary Terrorist Activity 277

•' ...

The Worsening War Situation Conclusion

Eight: Gathering Momentum: From Individual to 11All Out Satyagraha",1940-42
Gandhi's Individual Satyagraha Towards Quit India

Conclusion 332
Glossary 337
Bibliography 339
Index 348
About the Author 364

8178291916 (Indiahb) 8178291924 (Indiapb)

India--Uttar Pradesh
Politics and government
Indian National Congress. U.P. Provincial Congress Committee

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