Butzer, Karl W.

Archaeology as Human Ecology : Method and Theory for a Contextual Approach - New York: Cambridge University Press 2009 - xiii, 364p.

Part I. Perspectives: 1. Context in archaeology
2. Environmental systems: spatial and temporal variability
Part II. Foundations: 3. Geo-archaeology I: basic principles; 4. Geo-archaeology II: landscape context; 5. Geo-archaeology
III: stratigraphic context; 6. Geo-archaeology
IV: site formation;
7. Geo-archaeology
V: site modification and destruction
8. Geo-archaeology
VI: human impact on the landscape
9. Archaeometry: prospecting, provenance, dating
10. Archaeobotany: vegetation and plant utilization
11. Zoo-archaeology: faunas and animal procurement
Part III. Synthesis
12. Spatial integration I: quantitative models for pattern analysis
13. Spatial integration II: socioecological models for settlement analysis
14. Spatial integration III: reconstruction of settlement systems
15. Diachronic systems I: cultural adaptation
16. Diachronic systems II: continuity and change


Environmental archaeology
Human ecology
Landscape aAssessment

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