Contemporary world order: a Vedic perspective/ edited by Shashi Tiwari and Alka B. Bakre - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan, 2009. - xxiii, 266 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. - (Ancient Indian literary heritage) .

1. Vrata in the J^gveda
—Satya Pal Narang
2. Vedic Vrata
—S. Kalyamraman
3. Annatn (Food) and Vasati (Shelter): A Vedic View
—C.L Prabhakar
4.. The Oral Tradition of Education During the Vedic Period
—Deepak Raajan and D. Purushothaman
5. Gayatii: The Prayer for Light
—Indulata Das
6. Mantra in Social Flux
—Alka B. Bakre
7. j^gvedic Concept of Agni
—P. Syamala Devi
8. IV. 40.5- Hamsavati : A Study
—Gauri Mahulikar
9. Marriage in Rgveda
—M.N. Shylaja
10. Unification of Cultural Contexts: Ramacharitamanasa and its
Translation in Malayalam
—Vijaykumaran C.P.V.
11. A Scrutiny of Elements of Samkhya Philosophy in the
Mahabharata - A Critique
— Sunanda S. Joshi
12. Environment, Health and Safety: Guidance from the
—Lollah G.K. Murthy
13. Yoga, Spirituality and Medicine
— N. Govindarajulu
14. Becoming Divine: Crossing Culture Boundaries
—Isha Gamlath
15. Yoga for Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Well-being:
A Critical Study
—M. Parameswaran
16. Description of the Heart in Upani^ads
— Manmohan Acharya
17. Performance of Music during Vedic Times
—T. Seetharamalakshmi
18. The Concept of Human Resource and Spirit of Democracy
in the Gita
—Arun Chandra Bordoloi
19. A Vedic Basis for the Stoic Concept of God
—Isha Gamlath
20. The Relation of Philosophy and Kavya
—Sundari Siddhartha
21. Hindu-Christian Inter-Religious Dialogue in India:
Present-day Trends
—Anand Nayak
22. Hindu Dharma and Christianity: A Comparative Reflection
—Prashant Bhardwaj
23. Nama-Siddhanta: Genesis and Growth in South India
—S. Vaidyanathan
24. Whole of the Existence is One Mass of Energy
25. Value Paradigms and Re-Engineering in Management of
Indian Heritage
—S. Ram Mohan
26. Ecology in Ancient Indian Traditions
—Shashi Tiwari
27. Eroticism and Flower Blossoms in GathasaptalaG
—Sushma Kulshreshtha
28. Drinks or Foods of Fertility in Indian M3i:hs:
The Precursors or Protot3rpes of Hormonal Treatment
—Ruchita Vasant Somane
29. Women's Rights in Ancient India: A Study of Manu
—Sanjay Kumar Sahoo
30. Eco-Friendly Ethos in the Mahabharata
—Avanindra Kumar
31. Kautilya's Philosophy on War and Peace in Context to
Present World Order
—Jjillan Prasad


Vedic literature
Hindu civilization

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