Eisenstein, Zillah

Against empire: feminism, racism and the west/ Zillah Eisenstein - London: Spinifex press, 2004. - xx, 236 p.

1. Unilateral Empire: The United Nations of America
2. Thinking to See: Secrets, Silences and Befores
3. Humanizing Humanity: Secrets of the Universal
4. Fictions of the West: Their De-Racing and De-Sexing
5. Colonialism and Difference: The "Othering" of Alternative Democraices
6. Non-Western Westerners: The Difference Color Makes
7. Feminisms and Afghan Women: Before and After Sept.11
8. Feminisms from Elsewheres: Seeing Polyversal HumanityIndex


Civilization, Western. Difference (Psychology) East and West.

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