Hutt, Michael

Unbecoming Citizens: Culture, Nationhood, and The Flight of Refugees From Bhutan - New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007. - xix, 308 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. - (Oxford India paperbacks) .

Context: lands on a rim --
Bhutan and the Bhutanese --
Authenticity and historical truth --
Unbecoming citizens --
Matters of history --
The history of Umbho --
Nepali migration to Bhutan: the historical context --
'Since the time of the Shabdrung' --
'Priests and patrons' --
'To protect the land of Dharmadeva' --
Southern Bhutan in early British accounts --
Early encounters --
'A narrow slip of land' --
Bhutan and the Younghusband mission --
'First sightings' --
The legend of Garjaman Gurung --
Ponlops and thekadars --
D.B. Gurung's memoir --
Using the legend --
Questions of historicity --
The settlement and administration of the south --
A chronology of Nepali settlement --
The ethnic boundary --
The administration of southern Bhutan --
The Paro Ponlop and the Dorjes --
The Mandals --
Land ownership and registration --
The payment of taxes --
Revenue from below --
The contribution of labour --
The changing bases of subjecthood --
Calling the raiyats back home --
The case of Akhal Singh --
Lhotshampa culture --
Bhutanese Nepaliness --
Caste and ethnicity --
Assumed characteristics --
Ascribed characteristics --
The absence of Nepali literature --
Of pandits and pathshalas --
The first activists --
'Jai Gorkha!' --
The death of Masur Chetri --
The Bhutan State Congress --
Coming closer to the King --
Coming down from Tongsa --
Political representation --
The granting of citizenship --
Opening the schools --
Building the roads --
Moving east --
A sense of belonging --
The conditions for belonging.


Politics and government
Nepali people

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