Manorama year book 2014: people, places, ideas, events/ edited by Mammen Mathew - 49th ed. - Kottayam: Malayala Manorama Press, 2014. - 1037 p.: col. ill.

Manorama year book is published as independent editions in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam and Bengali.
[ISSN 09752250]

1. India and the world
2. Current Affairs
3. Events
4. Science & medicine
5. Information technology
6. Environment
7. Geography & sports
8. World panorama
9. History of the world
10. Education and career
11. Quiz show
12. Who is who
13. India
14. History, geography, polity
15. Social justice
16. Indian economy
18. Art, culture & heritage
19. General knowledge
20.The sports scene

General Studies

050.954 / MAT/M