Minuth, W. W.

Tissue engineering : essentials for daily laboratory work / W.W. Minuth, R. Strehl, K. Schumacher. - Weinheim : Wiley 2005. - xii, 314 p. 25 cm.

Developmental processes 1
Cells and Tissue 4
The Cell 4
The Cell as a Functional Unit 4
Plasma Membrane 5
Nucleus 6
Mitochondria 6
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) 6
Golgi Apparatus 7
Endosomes, Lysosomes and Peroxisomes 7
Cytoskeleton 8
Cell Cycle 9
Tissue Types 10
Epithelia 10
Building Plans of Epithelia 11
Glands 14
Epithelia in Sensory Perception 16
Connective Tissue 17
Variety 18
Fat Tissue as Storage 20
Bone and Cartilage as Support Tissue 21
Muscle Tissue 26
Cell Movement 26
Rhythmic Contraction 28
Unconscious Contraction 29
Nervous System Tissue 31
Information Mediation 31
Networks and Connections 33
Relevance of the ECM 35
Components of the ECM 35
Functions of the ECM 35
Synthesis of the Collagens 37
Fibronectin 38
Laminin 39
Reticular and Elastic Fibers 39
Collagens of the Basement Membrane 39
FACIT Collagens 40
Proteoglycans 40
Interactions between the Cell and the ECM 41
Adhesion and the ECM 4]
Proliferation and the ECM 41
Differentiation and the ECM 42
Apoptosis and the ECM 43
Signal Transduction 43
Modulation of the Cell-Matrix Interaction 43
The ECM and Cell Binding 44
Signals to the Inner Cell 47
The ECM and Long-term Contact 48
Matricellular Proteins 51
Thrombospondin 52
Tenascin C 52
Osteopontin 52
Emergence of Tissue 53
Germ Layers and Ground Tissue 53
Derivatives of the Ectoderm 55
Derivatives of the Mesoderm 56
Derivatives of the Entoderm 58
Individual Cells, Social Interactions and Functional Tissue Develop
ment 58
Differentiation from Individual Cells 59
Functional Exceptions 60
Individual Cells and Social Interactions 60
Formation of tissue 61
Individual Cell Cycles 66
Coordinated Growth 67
Competence 67
Morphogenic Factors 68
Apoptosis 69
Necrosis versus Apoptosis 71
Terminal Differentiation 71
Adaptation 72
Transdifferentiation 73
Multifactorial Differentiation 73
Regeneration 74
Events Immediately after an Injury 74
Wound Closure 75
Programmed Cell Death (Apoptosis) 75
Cooperative Renewal 76
Classical Culture Methods 78
History 78
First Cultures 79
Culture Containers 80
Individual Culture Containers 80
Dimensions of the Container 81
Coating the Culture Dish 81
Filter Inserts 82
Culture Media 82
Ingredients 84
Adjustment of Serum Supplements 86
Serum Collection 87
Serum-free Culture Media 88
pH of the Medium 90
Antibiotics 90
Other Additives 91
Growth Factors 92
Overview of Different Growth Factors 92
Effect of Growth Factors 93
Cell Culture Techniques 94
Hybridomas for the Production of Monoclonal Antibodies
Immortalized Cell Lines as Biomedical Models 96
Epithelial Cells in Functional Transfilter Experiments 99
Cultivation of Cardiomyocytes 101
Cryopreservation 103
Problems with the Culture 104
Work Expended with Cell Culture Work 105
Tissue Culture 107
Migration and New Formation 108
Dedifferentiation 110
Organ Culture 112
Tissue Engineering 113
Cell Therapies 114
Immune Deficiency 115
Defects in Articular Cartilage 115
Large-scale Burns 116
Muscular Dystrophies 117
Contents I IX
Myocardial Infarction 118
Diabetes Mellitus 119
Parkinsons Disease 119
Tissue Constructs 120
Defects in Structural Connective Tissue 121
Bones and Fractures 121
Reconstructive Measures 122
Damage to the Cornea 122
Tumors of the Digestive System 123
Sick Blood Vessels 124
Heart Valve Defects 125
Neural Damage 125
Organ Modules 126
Liver Failure 126
Chronic Renal Failure 128
Cosmetic Measures 129
Concepts of Tissue Creation 130
Sources 131
Stem Cells 132
Embryonic Stem Cells 133
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) 134
Adult Stem Cells 134
Markers for the Detection of Stem cells 136
Availability of Stem Cells 137
Difficulties in the Artificial Generation of Heart Muscle Tissue
Cell Divisions in Niches 139
Plasticity 141
Diversity of Development 142
Teratocarcinoma 143
Responsible Use of Stem Cells 143
Legal Issues 145
Therapeutic Cloning 146
Use of Stem Cells in Tissue Engineering 147
Possible Risks with the Use of Stem Cells 149
Industrial Use 150
Cells from Tissues 151
Multiplication of Cells Isolated from Tissue 153
Mode of Proliferation 153
Age of the Cells 155
Mitosis and Postmitosis 155
Matrices 158
Polymers 159
Biodegradable Scaffolds 162
Biological Scaffolds 163
Culture Methods for Tissue Engineering
Petri dish 165
Spinner Bottles 166
Rotating Bioreactor 167
Hollow Fiber Module 168
Perfusion 169
Perfusion Culture 171
Tissue Carriers 172
Selection of a Suitable Matrbc
Evidence of Cells 175
Perfusion Containers 176
Transport of Culture Media
Culture Temperature 179
Oxygen Supply 179
Constancy of pH 1^^
Starting the Perfusion Culture
Gradient Container 1^^
Gas Bubbles 186
Barrier Continuity

Maturation of Tissue Constructs 191
Primary and Secondary Contacts 192
Adhesion 192
Adherence 196
Growth: ERK and MAP Kinases 197
Building Structures
Terminal Differentiation 200
Impact of the Cultnro Environment on the Development of Tissue
Atypical Developm^^^ 201
Humoral Stimuli
Biophysical Factor^
Darling Culture
NaCl and Plasticity
Natural Interstices
Step by Step 212
Tissue Funcdons s"" ImpbiBao-
The Three Steps
^ ^ perfusion System Tissue Factory 217
Development of th^ ^ '
_ p Culture System 218
Requirements oi n*
Artificial Interstiti^^
Smart Matrices
^ . , ,, for the Perfusion System 220
Optimal Housing .
„ , . , .fine Tissue with Medium ^ Supply of the ®
Ensuring Tissue Quality 225
Norms and Cell Biology 225
Evaluating Complexity 226
Expression Behavior 228
Suitability of a Scaffold 231
Hidden Heterogeneity 234
Investigating Cellular Ultrastructures 236
Functional Transfer 238
ECM and Anchoring 238
Development of Cell-Cell Contacts 239
Cytoskeleton 241
Plasma Membrane Proteins 242
Receptors and Signals 244
Cell Surface 245
Constitutive and Facultative Properties 245
Detection of Tissue Functions 247
Quality Assurance 250
Appearance of the Construct 251
Analytical Microscopy 252
Detection of Tissue Structures 255
Definitive Recognition of Maturation 257
Transitory Expression 257
Making New Markers Available 258
Implant-Host Interaction 260


Tissue engineering.

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