Sustainability impact assessment of land use changes / Katharina Helming, Marta Pérez-Soba, Paul Tabbush (editors). - Berlin : New York : Springer, 2008. - 507 p. : 24 cm.

Sustainability Impact Assessment: concepts and approaches
Ex-ante impact Assessments (lA) in the European
Commission - an overview
K Tsciwrning, H Konig, B Schojk'r, K Helming, S Sieher
Impact Assessment in the European Commission in relation
to multifunctional land use
P Tahhush, P Frederiksen, D Edwards
An institutional analysis of land use modelling in the Euro
pean Commission
A Thiel, B Konig
Ex ante impact assessment of land use change in European
regions - the SENSOR approach
K Helming, H Bach, O Dilly, RF Hiittl, B Konig,
T Kuhlman, M Perez-Soba, S Sieher, P Smeets, P Tabbiisb,
K Tscherning, D Wascher, H Wiggering
Transfer into decision support: the Sustainability Impact
Assessment Tool (SIAT)
S Sieber, K Midler, P Verweij, H Haraldsson, K Fricke,
C Pacini, K Tscherning, K Helming, T Jansson
. Scenario modelling of land use changes
Scenarios: driving forces and policies
T Kuhlman
Cross sector land use modelling framework
T Jansson, M Bakker, B Boitier, A FoiigeyroUas,
J Helming, H van MeijI, PJ Verkerk
Tourism geography in Europe
T Sick Nielsen, BC Kaae
Landscape level simulation of land use change
P Verhurg, M Bakker, KP Ovennars, / Staritsky
I. Spatial representation and data issues for European regions
. Regional socio-economic profiles for assessment of Euro
pean land use related policies: the SENSOR experience
V Briquet
. A spatial regional reference framework for sustainability as
Ch Renetzeder, M van Eupen, S Miicher, T Wrhka
Requirement for data management and maintenance to sup
port regional land use research
HS Hansen, P Viuf, W Loihl, J Peters-Anders, S Ztidin,
. European level indicator framework
An indicators framework for analysing sustainability impacts
of land use change
P Frederiksen, P Kristensen
Indicators for assessing the environmental impacts of land
use change across Europe
S Petit, FP Vinther, PJ Verkerk, LG Firbank, N Halberg,
T Dalgaard, C Kjeldsen, M Lindner, S Ztidin
Reflections on social and economic indicators for land use
JH Farrington, T Kuhlman, DS Rotlvnan, Z Imrichowa, L
Reid, E Konkoly Gyuro
Weighting and aggregation of indicators for sustainabilit;
impact assessment in the SENSOR context
ML Paracchini, C Padni, S Calvo, J Vogt
Regional and local evaluation
Land use functions - a muitifunctionality approach to as
sess the impact of land use change on land use sustainabiiity
M Perez-Soba, S Petit. L Jones. N Bertrand. V Briquet. L
Ontodei-Zorini. C Contini. K Helming. J Farrington. M
Tinacci Mossello. D Wascher. F Kienast. R de Groat
Limits and targets for a regional sustainability assess
ment: an interdisciplinary exploration of the threshold
N Bertrand. L Jones. B Master. L Omodei-Zorini. S Petit.
C Contini
Sustainability impact assessments: limits, thresholds and
the sustainability choice space
MPotschin, R Haines-Young
Key sustainability issues in European sensitive regions —
a participatory approach
J Morris. M Camitteri. S Moncada
Key sustainability issues and the spatial classification of
sensitive regions in Europe
O Ditty. M Camitteri. C Dorrie, S Formosa. R Gatea.
D Hattenbarter. H Hasenauer. Z Imrichovd. R Korzeniowstca-
Pucutetc. M Kowatitc, P Koza, N Krduchi. A Kutt.
A Lopatka. U Mander. S Moncada, TOja. R Pudettco,
F Putzhuber. C Rogafi. BU Schneider. G Siebietec.
T Stuczyhstci. RF Hiittt

9783540786474 (hbk.)

Land use, Rural--Europe.
Rural development--Environmental aspects--Europe.
Sustainable development--Europe.

333.76094 / HEL/S