The Cambridge encyclopedia of human growth and development / Human growth and development edited by Stanley J. Ulijaszek, Francis E. Johnston, and Michael A. Preece. - Cambridge, UK ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - xii, 497 p. : 29 cm.

Measurement and assessment Noel Cameron

Embryonic staging R.O'Rahill)-an(l F.Miiiler 19
Ultrasound measurement of prenatal growth H>'l(onB.Meir( 21
Prenatal age R.O'RabiliyandF.Muiier 24
Anthropometry Francis E.Johnston 26
Mea.surement error Stanley Uiijaszek 28
Recumbent anthropometry Carol M.Worthman 29
Body imaging by three-dimensional surface anthropometry Reter R.M. Jones and Jean Peters 30
Grating projection methods: the Liverpool experience Peter H. Dangerfield 32
The assessment of body composition BabetteSZemel 34
Body .scanning, imaging ancLmeasurement Peter H. Dangerfield 36
Chemical immaturity Stanley Uiijaszek 37
Models of body composition Peter S. W Davies 38
Biochemical markers Simon P. Robins 39
Radiographic assessment Noel Cameron 42
Dental maturation Edward Harris 4S
Physical examination leuan 4. Hughes 49
Adiposity rebound and prediction of adult fatness Marie-Fran(oise Rolland-Cachera SI
Growth as an indicator of social inequalities Tadeusz Bielicki 54
Cross-sectional studies C.G.RMascie-Taylor 57
Longitudinal analysis Michelle LampI 60
Assessment of age at menarche Phyllis B. Eveleth 62
Creation of growth references T.j.Cole 63
The three-ln-one infant weight-monitoring chart T. J. Cole 66
Body mass index references Marie-Franfoise Rolland-Cachera 68
Skinfolds Francis E.Johnston 68
Dental development Arto Demirjian 70
Skeletal development Noel Cameron 72
Growth software T.j.Cole 73
Alternative measures for assessing linear growth Babette S. Zemel andViiginia A. Stallings 74
Conditional growth references T.j.Cole 76
Height and weight references Francis E.Johnston 77
Bibliography of some current height- and weight-by-age references Francis E.Johnston 78
Weights defining small-for-gestational-age in twins Rosanna Rooney, David A. Hay and Florence Levy 79
The use of growth references T.j.Cole 80
Monitoring of treatment for growth failure Michael Preece 83
Z-scores Francis E.Johnston 84
Screening for growth failure in industrialized countries Roberto Rona 85
Screening for growth failure in developing countries Francis E.Johnston 86
Screening and siu^eillance during famine Lola Nothonail and John Seaman 87
Screening and surveillance during warfare Aileen Robertson 88
Part Two
Patterns of human growth Barry sogin
2.1 Comparative growth and development of mammals .siunlf> iJli)us/fk
TIk- allometry of basal im-tabolR rale (' ) K Hmry
Birlh-weijjiit, j^i-statioii li-ii>;lli ami rclalivt- maliirit) Slanlc) lfli|(is/tk ''/
l.otoiiiotion K McNfill/tfc.vandcr ''S
Mammalian life liislory H MiNtiil/lic.vandrr '^8
Ailomi-lry : a brii-f history C I K tloiry 99
2.2 Growth In non-human primates BrianT -Stica loo
l^rimate iifi- history 1' 102
2-3 Human growth from an evolutionary perspective Burry Bogm io i
Neandi-rthai jjrowtii and (icvciopiiu-nt /cnnifrr I. Tliompson 106
2.4 The human growth curve johan Karllifrg 108
Curve-fittinj; R.C. Hauspie 1 14
2.5 Within-population variation in growth patterns I rancn !•: lotinsion 1 16
A tethniqnc for analysing tin- growth of population siib-gronps G. Brush and (l .4 Harrison I 1 i
Part Three
The genetics of growth Stanley Ulijaszek
3.1 Genetics of child growth f(.C. Hauspic and C. Susannt 124
Growth of twins Pavvtl Bergman and Tadcus/Biclicki 128
Sex steroids and growtli-hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) gene ex|)ression
Jesus Argcnle and Julie A, Choiven 150
Genetics and body fatness BradfordTossne 150
Genetics and energy metafiolism Stanley Ulijaszek 152
3.2 Genetic and environmental influences on fetal grovirth William H Mueller 155
3.3 Homeobox genes Kenneth M.Weiss, DavidWstock and ZhiyongZhuo 157
Homeobox genes: evolutionary issues Kenneth M.Weiss, David WStock and Zhiyong Zhao 159
Evolution of a gene system Kenneth M.Weiss. David W Stock and Zhiyong Zhao 159
Growth hormone gene deletions Ichiro Miyata and John A Phillips 111 140
3.4 Genetic regulation of growth-promoting factors by nutrition M J. Daumey and J M Pell 142
Part Four
Petal growth leuan a. Hughes
4.1 Hormonal regulation of fetal growth Manuel Hernandez I SI
4.2 Growth factors and development Zhiyong Zhao, Kenneth M Weiss and David W Stock 1S4
Peptide-signalling factors in development Zhiyong Zhao, Kenneth MWeiss and David W Stock 1 S4
Modes of action of peptide-signalling factors Zhiyong Zhao, Kenneth MWeiss and David W Stock 1 SS
4.3 Grovi/thofthe human embryo R.o'Rahillyand F.Mtiller 1S7
4.4 Embryonic development of teeth zhiyong Zhao, David WStock and Kenneth M.Weiss 159
4.5 Developmental morphology ofthe embryo and fetus RO'Rahillyand EMiiller 161
Fetal body composition Stanley Ulijaszek 163
4.6 Neurological development Ingeborg Brandt 164
4.7 Ontogeny ofthe immune system zinthony R. Hayward 166
4.8 Fetal growth retardation Jere D. Haas 170
Intra uterine growth retardation: perspectives from the Bonn Study Ingeborg Brandt 170
4.9 Standards and references for the assessment of fetal growth and development ingeborg Brandt 175
Part Five
Post-natal growth and maturation Roberl M.Mulinu
5.1 Endocrinological regulation of post-natal growth ivier Hindmarsh 182
5.2 Extra-uterine growth after premature birth ingehorg Brandt 184
5.3 Extra-uterine development after premature birth Ingehorg Brandt 188
5.4 The development of patterns of deep body temperature in infancy Stovart ivterscn and Mike Wailoo 191
5.5 Morphology Franusi:. Johnston 19i
Sexual dimorphism of physique Michad Preece 195
Body proptjriions N.G. Norgan 195
5.6 Skeletal development William/\.Stini 196
5.7 The human growth plate N. F. Kember 198
Growth arrest lines iAnn L. Magennis 200
Cell kinetics N. F. Kember 201
5.8 Human skeletal muscle across the lifespan D.A. Jones and Joan M. Round 202
Physical work capacity during growth G.B.Spurr 204
59 Post-natalcraniofacialgrowth BrianT.Shea 206
3.10 Variation in time of tooth formation and eruption Alan Fl. Goodman 209
Developmental def ects of dental enamel Alan H. Goodman 210
5.11 Body composition N.G. Norgan 212
Organ development and body-weight Marines Ella 212
5.12 Physical activity and training for sport as factors affecting growth and maturation
Robert M.Malina 216
5.13 Growth cyclicities and pulsatilities Barry Begin 220
Mini growth spurts Michael Hermanussen 222
Saltatory growth Michelle Lampl 222
Seasonality of growth T.J.Cole 223
Pulsatile growth hormone release Johannes D. Veldhuis 224
5.14 Hormonal regulation of growth in childhood and puberty Francis E. Johnston 225
The mid-childhood growth spun Barry Bogin 226
5.15 Sexual maturation P.T.Ellison 227
Menarche Phyllis B. Eveleth 228
5.16 Fat and fat patterning Nod Cameron 230
Fat patterning and non-insiilin-dependent diabetes mellitus in mc^dernizing populatic^ns
Stephen T. McGarvey 2 31
5.17 Adulthood and developmental maturity Nod Cameron 233
Fertility Carol M.Worthman 233
Bone morphology and mineralization across adult life William A Stini 234
Epiphyseal fusion Noel Cameron 234
Part Six
Behavioural and cognitive development Paolo Parisi
6.1 Cognitive development Stanley Ulijaszek 245
6.2 Motor development and performance Robert M. Molina 247
6.3 Language development Marilee Monnot 251
6.4 Psychosocial factors in growth and development Paolo Parisi 2 5 3
6.5 Nutrition and cognitiye development Robin Stevens 256
6.6 The development of sexuality Martin Richards 258
Part Seven
Clinical growth abnormalities Michael Preecc
7.1 identification of abnormal growth c 0 0 Brook »
7.2 Orthodontic disorders Oiant MurkmMi/ 266
7.3 Regional growth disorders Peltr H Oanjjerhcld 268
Asymmc-try Pcitt H, Oungtrfifld 269
Scr)lisis R.G. Bunvcll 270
7.4 Chromosome aberrations and growth RobinW'imtr 271
Turiu-r syjitlroiiii- MichutI B Runkc 272
PraclcT-Wiili syiuiromo TosuWebb 274
7.5 Bonedysplasias RobinWmitr 276
7.6 Genetic disorders of the grrowth hormone axis Manuel Hfrnandc/and )c\usArotnit 2 77
7.7 Endocrine growth disorders t .G D Brook 279
7.8 Growth in chronic diseases Michael Preece 281
Grrjwth 111 roiial eirsoase I,. Rets 284
Grriwlli ofchildrcn with yjastroiiUfstina!* |.A.Walker Smilh 286
Grriwth ol ciiildrc-n witii a.sthnia J.O.Warner 287
7.9 Treatment of growth disorders Peter Hmdmarsh 288
Part Eight
Environmental factors influencing birth-weight Lovvrence M. Schell
8.1 Maternal anthropometry and birth outcome EnamulKanm 297
8.2 Nutrition Gail Goldberg jOO
8.3 Smoking Lawrence M. Schell 305
8.4 Maternal HiV infection Kristina Formica and Diana M.Gibb 505
8.5 Substance abuse Kyra Mane Landzehus 507
Crack cocaine Kyra Mode Landzelius 309
Alcohol con.suniption and pregnancy outcome Gail Goldberg 510
8.6 Teenage pregnancy Theresa o.Scholl 512
Part Nine
The ecology of post-natal growth Francis E.Johnston
9.1 infant-feeding and growth C.WBmns 320
Growth factors in maternal milk and development of the gastrointestinal tract Stanley Ulijaszek 323
The promotion of breast-feeding C.WBinns 323
Growth and weaning in Papua New Guinea Carol Jenkins 324
Prolonged and growth C.WBinns 325
9.2 Nutrition C.WBinns 326
Long-term effect of iron supplementation on growth in Indonesian preschool children Imelda T.Angeles,
Werner Schultinck, Rainer Gross and Soemilah Sastroamidjojo 328
Body-size and energy needs P.S.Shetty 329
The influence of nutrition in early life on stature and risk of obesity Marie-Franfoise Rolland -Cachera 5 50
Protein-body-size relationships C. J.K.Henry 330
Childhood obesity and growth E. M. E. Poskitt 332
9.3 infection Andre Bdend 334
Intestinal parasitism StephenT. McGarvey 337
HIV and growth A.Guarino 338
immunocompetence Stanley Ulijaszek 340
9.4 Growth and psychosocial stress David H.skuse 541
9.5 Environmental toxicants Lawrence M. Schell 345
9.6 Catch-up growth in height Michael H.N. Golden 546
9-7 Catch-up weight-gain MichatlH.N.Gold(n 348
Recovery from kwashiorkor NofI Cameron 349
9.8 Seasonality of subsistence and disease ecology Sunie)-ulijasrek 3Sl
Growth among Nepali agriculmraiists C.Panier-Brick 353
Growth of African pastoralist children Michael A. Little 354
9.9 Growth in high-altitude populations Stanley Ulijaszek 356
9.10 A functional outcome in adulthood of undernutrition during growth g.b. Spurt 358
Part Ten
Between-population differences in human growth Stanley uiijaszek
10.1 Growth and natural selection Carol M.Worthman 365
Body-size and natitral selection Derek Roberts 366
Growth in African pygmies Stanley Ulijasrek 368
10.2 Gene-environment interactions Derek Roberts 369
10.3 Body-size at birth JohnH.Himes 371
10.4 Growth in infancy and pre-adolescence Stanley Ulijosrek 373
10.5 Between-population differences in adolescent growth Francis E. Johnston 375
Variation in age at menarche Phyllis B. Eveleth 376
Age at menarche in the former Soviet Union Elena Godina 377
10.6 Body-proportion differences RG.Norgan 378
Part Eleven
Changing human growth patterns Guniiia lindgren
11.1 Skeletal growth and time of agricultural intensification Alan H. Goodman 387
Patagonian giants: tnyths and possibilities Michael Hermonussen 390
11.2 Physical growth during industrialization Roderick Floud 391 ^
Growth patterns from recruiting data A.T.SteegmonJr 393
Growth and development in art history Leslie Carlin and C. M. Hill 394
11.3 The secular trend Stanley uiijaszek 395
Secular changes and class distinctions in growth in Sweden Gunilla Lindgren 396
11.4 Social and economic class Bar^Bogin 399
Social class and height in Britain Roberto Rono 401
11.5 Modernization and growth Stonley ulijoszek 402
11.6 Migration and changing population characteristics C. Susanne, M.Vercauteren and M. Zavaltoro 404
Growth of Guatemalan migrants in the United States of America Barry Bogin 404
Urban-rural differences in growth patterns of Nepali children C. Ponter-Brick 407
11.7 Urbanism and growth Lawrence M.Schell 408
11.8 Obesity, fatness and modernization Stanley Uiijaszek 410
Part Twelve
The human lifespan Stanley Uiijaszek
12.1 Long-term consequences of early environmental influences Stanley Uiijaszek 417
Fetal development and disease in adult life D.J.P.Barker 418
Muscular development Stanley Uiijaszek 419
Fat patterning Francis E.Johnston 419
Sensitive periods in brain growth and development James L.Smort 420
Viral infection of the pregtiant woman and risk of schizophrenia in her offspring Stanley Uiijaszek 421
12.2 Menopause LynetteLeidy 422
Age change in reproductive function P.T. Ellison 422
12.3 Ageing as part of the developmental process Douglas E. Crews and Gillian J. Harper 425
Ageing in industrialized societies William A. Stini 426
AjJciiij.; and mctabolit (.liaiijjf Alun H Bililti M/
Agfiiij; 111 noil VVfsn-rii populations .Simon .S SlmklanJ 4.'H
Sarcnponia: niustii- loss Slunir) Uli)us/ck 410
ApojiioMs: projjraniiiK-d K-ll (ii-alli |u) IJ Ffurson und Doujj!u\ I; ( rcm 4)1
Ajjc-inj; and ixiiR-diiss William A. .Slini 4)d
Part Thirteen
The future Stanley Ulijaszek
13.1 Growth modelling and growth references: the future T JCole 4)«
13.2 Defining the growth characteristics of new populations Siunlo Nliiavtk 440
13.3 Growth patterns associated with new problem complexes i iaiuni lolmuon i f.'
Growih 111 HlV-posiiivf infanis and tliildn-n Anna Molcsiioilh and Anfjus Nitoll 44.'
Growth of tliildrcn horn to cotaiiic users Kyra Maiic fandr/rlius 444
13.4 Treatment ofgrowth disorders: the future Michad I'icnt i fS
Brief biographies James M.Tanner -H7
Hippolyt Guarinoni (IS7I-16S4) 447
Johaiin Sigisimiiid lilshoh/ (162 3-88) -447
johann Aujjuslin Sldller (1 70 3-80) 447
rliristjan l-riedrith Jaiii|)en fd. I7S8) -447
Georg LeClerc de Buffoii (1707-88) and I'luhji Gueneau de Monlheillard (I 7 20-8 S) 448
Louis-ReneVillerine (1782-1863) 448
Adolphe Queielet (1796-1874) 448
Edwin Chadwick (1800-90) and Leonard Horner (178S-I864) -149
Charles Roberts (d. 1901) and Frantis Gallon (1822-191 1) 449
Henry Pickering Bowditch (1 840-191 1) 4S0
Luigi Pagliaiii (1847-1 9 3 2) 4S0
Paul Godin (1 860-1942) 4SI
Franz Boas (1 8S8-1942) 4S1
D'Arcy Went worth Thompson (1860-1948) 451
BirdT. Baldwin (1875-1928) and Howard Meredith (I 903-85) 452
Frank Shuttleworth (1 899-1 958) 452
Nancy Bayley (1899-1994) 45 3
Wilton Marion Krognian (1903-87) 453
Andrea Prader (1919- ) 454
Michael R. j. Healy (192 3- ) 454
Frank Falkner (191 8- ) Stanley Ulijaszek 455
James M.Tanner (1920- ) Francis E.Johnston 455
Alex Roche (1921- ) Roger M. Siervogel 45 5
Stanley Garn (1 922- ) Stanley Ulijaszek 456

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Human growth
Developmental psychology
Human Development.
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