Brar, T.S

Track and Field: Officiating Techniques - New Delhi: Friends Publications, 2004. - 175p.

1. Introduction
2. Officials of the Meet
3. Officiating Techniques in Track Events
4. Officiating Techniques in Race Walking,
Road Races and Marathon
5. Officiating Techniques in Fields Events (Jumps)
6. Officiating Techniques in Field Events (Throws)
and Combined Events
7. Procedure for Ceremonies 8. Checklist for the Meet
9. Specifications
11. Laying of Track
12. Developing a Programme Booklet
13. 200m Track
A. List of Events for Men and Women Under
Various Age Categories
B. Decathlon and Heptathlon Scoring Tables for
Commonly Reached Performances
C. Diagonal Excess for Various Straight Length
and Different Lane Width
D. Full and Half Stagger Distances for Various
Lane Widths
E: Marking Radii for Various Straight Lengths
F. Some Questions
G. Units of Measurement


Officiating Techniques
Laying of Tracks

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