Stewart, David,

Fundamentals of philosophy / David Stewart, H. Gene Blocker, James Petrik. - Eighth edtion. - Boston : Pearson, [2013] - x, 531 pages ; 23 cm

Previously published: Seventh edition. Boston : Prentice Hall, 2010.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Part I What Is Philosophy?
Chapter I The Activity of Philosophy Chapter 2 Philosophy's History Chapter 3 Philosophy and the Examined Life
Socrates: In Defense of Philosophy
Part 2 Thinking About Thinking (Logic)
Chapter 4 The Life of Reason Chapter 5 Argument Forms Chapter 6 Induction and the Philosophy of Science Chapter 7 Strategies for Philosophical Arguments
Part 3 What Is Real? (Metaphysics)
Chapter 8 Introduction to Metaphysics Chapter 9 Dualism
Plato: The Immortality of the Soul
Plato: The Divided Line
Chapter 10 Materialism
Epicurus: First Principle ofMaterialism
Chapter 11 Idealism Geofge Berkeley: Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Phibnous Chapter 12 The Mind-Body Problem and Personal Identity
Alfred C Lent: Sun^'ng in a Different Body Chapter 13 Freedom and Determinism: The Metaphysics of Human Agency
Peter van Inwagen: The Moral Argument for Freedom
Part 4 How Do We Know? (Epistemology)
Chapter 14 Introduction to Epistemology Chapter 15 Rene Descartes: The Quest for Certainty
Rene Descartes: Meditations Chapter 16 David Hume: Trust Your Senses
David Hume: Of the Origin of ideas
David Hume: Skeptical Doubts Conceming the Operations of the Understanding Chapter 17 immanuel Kant: A Compromise
Immanuel Kant Two Sources of Knowledge Chapter 18 Knowledge and Human Practices: The Pragmatist
T radition
William James: What Pragmatism Means Nathaniel Goldberg: Where Does Knowledge Come From? Quine, Davidson, and Traditional Epistemology
Part 5 What Ought We to Do? (Ethics)
Chapter 19 Introduction to Ethical Reasoning Chapter 20 Moral Skepticism
J. L Mackie: The Argument from Relativity Chapter 21 Morality and Metaphysics
Matthew Carey Jordan: God and Morality Chapter 22 Eudaemonism: The Morality of Self-Realization
Aristotle: Nicomachean Ethics Chapter 23 Utilitarianism: Morality Depends on the Consequences
John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism — Chapter 24 Deontology: Morality Depends on the Motives Immanuel Kant Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysics of Ethics
Part 6 Philosophy of Religion
Chapter 25 Introduction to Philosophy of Religion Chapter 26 Religion and Life's Meaning
Leo Tolstoy: A Confession
Chapter 27 A Priori Arguments for God's Existence
St Anselm: Proslogion Chapter 28 A Posteriori Arguments for God's Existence: Aquinas' Five Ways
St Thomas Aquinas: The Five Ways Chapter 29 The Problem of Evil James Petrik: inscrutable Evil and an Infinite God
Part 7 Philosophy of Art (Esthetics)
Chapter 30 Introduction to the Philosophy of Art Chapter 31 The Value of Art
H. Gene Blodker. The Esthetic Attitude
Chapter 32 Art as Ideal
Kenneth Claric The Naked and die Nude
Chapter 33 Esthetics and Ideology Jennifer Jeffers: The Politics of Representation
Part 8 Social and Political Philosophy
Chapter 34 Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy Chapter 35 The Liberal, Secular State John Locke: A Letter Conceming Toleration Chapter 36 The Individual and the State
John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
Chapter 37 Human Rights
H. Gene Blacker Human Ri^ts Chapter 38 Individual Happiness and Social Responsibility M. Andrew Holowchak: Happiness and Justice in "Liberal" Sodety: Autonomy as Political Integration
Part 9 Eastern Thought
Chapter 39 Philosophy East and West Chapter 40 Confucian Theories of Human Nature
Mendus: The Book of Mendus
Xun 25: The Nature of Man Is Evil Dong Zhongshu: Human Nature Is Both Good and Evil
Chapter 41 Hindu Debate on Monism
Chapter 42 Buddhist Theory of Emptiness
Nagaijuna: Seventy Verses on Emptiness _ _.
Nagaijuna: How Phenomena Are Empty of Inherent Existence

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