TY - BOOK AU - Daalen,L.A.van TI - Valmiki's Sanskrit SN - 812081925X U1 - 891.2 PY - 1980/// CY - New Delhi PB - Motital Banarsidass Publishers KW - Sanskrit language KW - Valmiki's Ramayana KW - Valmiki-Sanskrit Gramarrian N1 - Includes bibliographical references and indexes; 0 Aim of this Study; Basic Concepts 1 A New Approach to the Problem of Ramayana Textual Criticism. 1,0 Preview. I, I Archetype, Valmiki. I, 2 Aim and method of this study 1,3 Archetype; interpolations and reworked passages therein; 'later insertions'; a note on the theory of oral literature I, 4 Recensions and sub-recensions I, 5 Editions. . I, 6 The manuscripts used by the Crit. Ed.; notation in this study. I, 7 Commentators and their meaning to us I, 8 The method of the Critical Edition . . I, 9 Irregularities and the polishing theory I, 10 Approach in this study 1, 11 Summation of the collections of irregularities gathered by predecessors I, 12 Types of irregularity studied and types excluded from the investigation 1, 13 The meaning of the terms 'irregular', 'irregularity, -ies' in this study; explanatory notes on § 4. I, 13, I The meaning of the terms 'irregular', etc., in this study I, 13, 2 Explanatory notes on § 4. 2 Digression . 2, I An approach which need not be followed 2, 2 Some remarks on irregularities in parallel passages in the Ramayana and the Mahabharata . 2, 3 Does the S recension of the Ramayana agree more closely with the Mahabharata ?. 2, 4 The NE recension is not unreliable in geographical respect . . 3 Metrics . 4 Collection of Material . 4, o Works used to gather the irregularities listed in § 4, I ff.. . 4, I 'Things undone'; irregular samdhi Hiatus between an odd and even pada due to the non-application of the relevant samdhi rule (i);Hiatus in the middle of a pada (2); 'Double sarndhi' and other types of irregular sarndhi (3) 4, 2 Slokas where a number of mss. read a word, in gen eral a compound, which extends beyond a pada (also a 'thing undone'). 4, 3 On metrics . . . Hypermetric verses (i); Anapest, resp. tribrachys, before final iambus in even pada of pathya (2); Third vipula not beginning with an iambus; neg lect of caesura in 3rd vipula (3); Second vipula not beginning with an iambus (4); Consonant com binations which do not 'make position' (5); Fourth vipulas (6) 4, 4 Transference of conjugation . 4, 5 The suffix of feminine present participles: -ati-j-antlconfusion 4, 6 -ana-j'-mdna- confusion in the middle present parti ciple . 4, 7 Confusion of primary and secondary endings . . . -ma (occasionally -va) instead of -mas {-vas) (i); -tha for -ta in 2 pi. imperative (2) i 4, 8 Strangely augmented forms ma + augmented aorist (i); Other remarkable augmented forms (2) 4, 9 Augmentless imperfects . 4, 10 Irregularities in the present system of brii- and some other verbs . bru- (i); some other verbs (2) 4, II Forms with suffix -ya-, active endings and passive sense . . 4, 12 Irregular gerunds. . -yaj-tvd confusion; -ya with simple verbs and -tvd with compounds (i); pesi°, sydmi°, puraskrtvd in stead of °krtya (2); Other irregular gerunds (3) 4, 13 Irregularities in the perfect s^'stem . . . . . . . . One ms. only transmits the right reading (i); Ab sence of reduplication (2); Strong instead of weak stem in 3 pi. and dual in perfect active (3) 4, 14 Irregularities in the future. Weak stem (i); set/anit confusion in the future (2) 4, 15 Irregular infinitive forms set/anit confusion (i); Other irregular infinitives (2) 4, 16 ksubdha- instead of ksubhita-. 4, 17 upavartavya- 4, 18 Irregular strong stem in present participle active of intensives . . 4, 19 didhaksydmi. 4, 20 Simplex pro causativo (i) and the reverse (2), conj. X forms without causative sense (3), remarkable denominatives (4); periphrastic perfect of nl- (5); missing suffix (6) 4, 21 Some remarkable verb forms 4, 22 Confusion of voice Introduction; the cases arranged in the order of verse-numbers (0); Breakdown according to ms.- support (i); Further material, gathered from PW (2); krdmatijkramate', niskram-, middle instead of active (3) 4, 23 So-called metrical lengthening and shortening of vowels 4, 24 Irregularities in stems and declensions Thematic stem instead of stem in -as- (i); asamanja- instead of asamanjas- (2); jatdyu- in stead of jatdyus- (3); Thematic stem instead of a consonant stem in compounds (4); °rdjan- instead of °rdja- (5); Other irregular members of compounds confusion excluded) (6); Confusion of i-, land in- stems (7); Irregularities in declension (8); Sundries (9) 4, 25 ena- used adjectively instead of eta-. 4, 26 Irregularities in numerals . 4, 27 Confusion of gender. . . . 4, 28 Irregular constructions (breach of concord being excluded) . 4, 29 Breach of concord . 4, 30 Superfluous elements 5 Metrical Considerations . I Irregularities do not owe their existence to metrical necessity . 5, 2 The correct variant. 5, 3 Analysis of a breakdown according to ms.-support of metrically 'fixed' and 'metrically equivalent ir regularities . 6 A Discussion of the Cases of Irregularity Transmitted by All or Nearly All the MSS. in Ramayana II-IV. i6, I Introduction. . . 6, 2 Forms attributed to Valmiki and the author of Ramayana I. . . 6, 3 Arguments in favour of the view that many of the irregularities transmitted by all the mss. need not be attributed to Valmdki and the author of Ramayana I resp. . • 6, 3, I List of the irregularities transmitted by all the mss. in Ram. I-IV. 6, 3, 2 Clusters . 6, 3, 3 Connexion between irregularities transmitted by all the mss. and inconsistencies in the narrative. . 6, 3, 4 Strings of clusters and single cases of irregularity transmitted by all the mss.. . • 6 4 Instances of a connexion between an irregularity transmitted by all the mss. and an inconsistency 6 On the search for irregularities transmitted by all the mss. starting from passages which contain matter which is inconsistent with the narrative as a whole 6 6 The cluster of 3-64, 4-3. 64," and the cases forming a string with these two cases . 6, 6, I 3, 64 compared with 3, 63; knowledge of Ravana's person and southbound flight; search-parties . 6, 6, 2 Information the characters get on the southern direction of Ravana's flight before 4, 57, 19 . 6, 6, 3 Information on Ravana's kin and his kingship before 4, 57, 19. 6, 6, 4 Discussion of the irregularities at 3, 52, I; 53, 2; 12; 24 and 4, 6, 15 6,6, 5 Hanuman episode; on 5, 56 and some preceding passages; signet-ring, conflagration of Lanka, Hanuman taking leave of Sita. . 6, 6, 6 Provisional results . 6, 6, 7 On 3, 65, 19 c: irregular gerund construction (§i: breach of concord). 6, 6, 8 Rama's and Laksmana's ignorance in the Kabandha episode and the problem connected with it raised in § 6, 6, i 6, 7 On 2, 65, 2 (irregular hiatus between padas c/d) and 2,-65, II ® (irregular second vipula) 6, 7, I On 2, 65, 2. 6, 7, 2 On hiatus-fillers 6, 7, 3 On 2, 65, II e . 6, 7, 4 Geographical names which defy identification and irregularities in all the mss. . . . 6, 8 The cluster in 2, 87 - 2, 106 6, 8, I Introduction . 6, 8, 2 A closer look at 2, 87 and 2, 92 ff.; the cluster of loi, 7; 103, 32 and 106, 4. . 6, 8, 3 ksubhita-/ksubdha- (i); excursus on genitivus absolutus (2) . 6, 8, 4 The evidence of the L. ed. for the cluster 2, 87, 7-2, 106, 4. 6, 9 The cases at 4, 53, 11; 56, 16; 60, 3; 61, 15; 64, 6; 65. 4; 17 6, I0 The cases at 3, 10, 56 and 3, 11, 4; add 3, 10, 60 c 6, II On rudanti at 2, 70, 22 a and 1812"*, 55 12 6, 12, I An account of the various treatments of the cases listed in § 6, 3, i . 6, 12, 2 On the cases at 2, 8, 6; 24, 5: 27, 13; 42, 24; 44, 26; 58, 9; 3, 7, 5 and 3, 49, 18 . . . . 13 6, 13, I The cases at 2, 39, 9; 3, 35, 12; 57, 7; 62, 13; 4, 29, 48; 33, 18 . 6, 13, 2 On voice . Valmiki and voice, the problem (i); The material of § 4, 22, 2 (2); The cases of ir regular voice transmitted by all the mss. exc. four (3) Results . The irregularities transmitted by all the mss. exc. four. On the delimitation set up between all the mss. exc. three and all the mss. exc. four Omitted or interpolated ? . The age of Sita and Rama at the time of marriage or.the question whether it is justified to regard passages containing inconsistencies as interpolated . . Excursus on irregular gerunds . Irregularities Transmitted by all the MSS. in Rama VAN A I. . . On Ramayana I . Thirteen cases; 'things undone'; clusters. I. 31-i. 33 • I, 69, 25 c and hiatus at 28 a/b. The beginning of the Adikanda. Two cases of irregular voice and asanini (25, 14) The birth of the brothers . Provisional results . An examination of the passages compared by Kirfel in his article in WdO I. . 7, 9, I I, 69, 25 and 28 again; dynastic lists of the Iksvakus. 7, 9, 2 The passages examined; jdyatejvijdyate, transitive . asamanja- or asamanjas- ? . Additional remarks to §§ 7, 3; 7, 4; 7. 8 and 7, 9, i ER -