Maguire, Miles

Advanced reporting: essentials skills for 21st century journalism / Miles Maguire - New York : Routledge, 2015. - xiii, 247 p.

The Elements of Reporting
CHAPTER 1 Connecting the DOT
CHAPTER 2 Defining News
CHAPTER 3 Digging into Documents
CHAPTER 4 The Eyes Have It
CHAPTER 5 Talking Your Way to the Story
From Principle to Practice
CHAPTER 6 Getting Started
CHAPTER 7 The Journalistic Core
CHAPTER 8 Specialized Topics
CHAPTER 9 Specialized Forms
CHAPTER 10 Enterprise Reporting
21st Century News Reporting
CHAPTER 11 Technology 189
CHAPTER 12 Public Relations and News
Management 207
CHAPTER 13 Journalism That Makes
a Difference 225

978041582428 (pb)

journalism-technological innovations online journalism

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