Recent progress in medicinal plants: Biopharmaceuticals / RPMP - USA Studium Press 2006 - 607 p.


Possible Therapeutic Uses of Cannabidiol in Anxiety Disorders and Schizophrenia /Antonio Waldo Zuardi, Josfi Alexandre De Souza CrippaJaime Eduardo CecIlio Hallak, FabrIcio AraiJjo Moreira, Daniele Cristina Aguiar and Francisco Silveira GuimarAes (Brazil)
Antimicrobial, Antimutagenic and Antioxidant Properties of Tannins from Mexican 'Cascalote' Tree (Caesalpinia cacalaco) /Ramon G. Guevara-GONZALEZ, Salvador H. Guzman-Maldonado (Mexico)
Anthocyanins as Potential Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Agents /Luigia Longo and Giuseppe Vasapollo (Italy)
Antioxidant Activity of Aquilegia vulgaris in CCl4-Induced Liver Injury in Rats /Jadwiga Jodynis-liebert, Irena Matlawska, (Poland)
Solvent and Structural Effects on the Kinetics of the Reactions of Cycloalkyl carboxylic and Cycloalkenyl carboxylic Acids with Diazodiphenyl methane /J.B. Nikolic, G.S.
A Review on the Antioxidant Activity of Propolis and Propolis Constituents from Different Geographic Origin /Vessela Kortenska-kancheva and Vassya Bankova (Bulgaria)
Progress in the Research of Naturally Occurring Xanthones: Tetraoxygenated Constituents /Goutam Brahmachari (India)
Chemical Constituents and Biological Activity of the Genus Aconitum /Virendra S. Rana (India)
Experimental Antitumor Activity of Glyfoline and Related Compounds /Tsann-Long Su (Taiwan)
Herb-Drug Interactions—An Overview /R -Vishal Tandon and Annil Mahajan (India)
Evaluation of Ginger Powder as a Natural Flavouring in Herbal Ice Cream /S.V. Pinto, A.K. Rathour, A.H. Jana and M.J. Solanky (India)
Influence of Rauwolfia vomitoria Root Bark Extract on Cardiac Enzymes of Normal Wistar Albino Rats /M.I. Akpanabiatu, lb. Umoh, M.U. Eyong, E.E. Edet and F.E. Uboh (Nigeria)
Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus: Plant Drugs vs Oral Hypoglycaemic Agents and Insulin /Badri Kameswara Rao, M.D. Rajasekhar, Sreelatha Aramgam and Chippada Apparao (India, USA)
Effect of Nauclea latifolia Leaf Extracts on Some Rats Serum Enzymes of Clinical Significance /M.I. Akpanabiatu, LB. Umoh, F.E. Uboh and E.O. Udosen (Nigeria)
The Antifeedant Effect of Extracts from Leuzea carthamoides (Willd.) DC. on Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say /Roman Pavela (Czech Republic)
Assessment of Glucosinolates in Brassica Leaf by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy /Rafael Font, Mercedes Del RIo-celestino, Elena Cartea, Eduardo Rosa, Alfredo Aires AND Antonio De Haro-bail6n (Spain, Portugal)
Biological Activity and in vivo Disposition Profile of the Stem Bark of Picralima nitida (Family; Apocynaceae) /T.O. Fakeye, O.A. Itiola and A. Dunkwu (Nigeria)
The Active Compounds from Hyperici herba: Traditional versus Modern Knowledge /Beatrice Mihaela Macri, Gheorghe Stoian AND Maria-luiza Flonta (Romania)
Advances in Biological and Chemical Studies of South Brazilian Species ofthe Genus Maytenus /A.J. Mossi, R.L. Cansian, 0. Leontiev-orlov, H. Treichel, M. Mazutti, C. Dariva, J.V. Oliveira and S. Echeverrigaray (Brazil)
Immunomodulatory and Related Pharmacological Activities of the Tinospora Genus /S. Chattopadhyay, G.J. Chintalwar and A.T. Sipahimalani (India)
Some Less Known Medicinal Uses of Plants From Jagatsinghpur District, Orissa, India /R.D. Girach, Aminuddin and V.K. Singh (India)
Ethnomedicinal Plant Species Belongingto the Family Asteraceae used in Thoubal District of Manipur in North-East India /Mohd. Habibullah Khan and P.S. Yadava (India)
Functional Foods: Immobilization of Probiotic Bacteria on Plant Vectors for the Production of Value Added and Healthy Products /C. PSARIANOS AND Y. KOURKOUTAS (Greece)
Ethnomedicines Used for the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection from Brahmaputra Valley, Assam, India /Kalita Dilip and Deb Bikash (India)
Hypoglycaemic Potential of Aqueous Extract of Unripe Pulp of Carica papaya in Alloxan-induced Diabetic Rabbits /Omotade I. Oloyede and Musbau a. Akanji (Nigeria)
Notable Plants in Ethnomedicine of Jajpur District, Orissa, India /R.D.Girach, Aminuddin and V.K. Singh (India)
Role of Herbal Absorption Promoters in Oral Delivery of Therapeutics /Ambikanandan Misra, Pranav Shah and Viral Jogani (India)
Mediterranean Plants as a Source of Antimycotic Compounds Active Towards Yeast and Yeast-like Microorganisms: A Review /P. Buzzini, B. Turghetti, D. Heimler, C. Gasparetti, P. PiNELLI AND A. ROMANI (ItALY)
Antioxidant Peptides from Whey Proteins Comparison to Plant Antioxidants /Blanca Hernandez-ledesma, Alberto Davalos, Begoina Bartolomeand Lourdes Amigo (Spain)
Need for Organic Farming in Cultivation of Medicinal Crops in India /Shweta and V.K. Singh (India)

0965603857 (series ISBN)

Medicinal plants
Materia medica
