Contemporary poetry / edited by Marguerite Wilkinson - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2011. - xxiii, 264 p.

Includes bibliographical references (p. 247-254) and index.

'New, Newer and Newest' Poetry
Before the 1970s: Poetic Precedents
Nerv Lines, The New Poetry, The New American Poetry
Blood, Bread and Poetry: Gender and Poetics
Multiformalisms: Form and Contemporary Poetry
Structure of the Book
Chapter i Lyric Subjects
Towards a Theory of Lyric Expression
Elegy and Epistle: Andrew Motion and Lee Harwood
Speaking (Auto) Biographically: Cathy Song and Grace
Self-reflexive Lyrics: Portraiture in John Ashbery, Sujata
Bhatt and Jorie Graham
Nobody's Voice: Michael Palmer
Conclusion: Jennifer Moxley's Deceitful Subjective
Chapter 2 Politics and Poetics
Founding Propositions: Politics and Post-World War II
A Day in Politics: Inauguration Poets Maya Angelou and
Elizabeth Alexander
Pastoral and Ludic: Seamus Heaney and Paul Muldoon
The Politics of Language: Poetry and the Public Sphere -
Charles Bernstein
Reporting War: Eliot Weinberger
Politics and Poetics of Exile: Choman Hardi
Veteran's Experience: Yusef Komunyakaa
Reclaiming History: Rita Dove's 'Parsley'
Conclusion: Reading the Archive - M. NourbeSe Philip's
Chapter 3 Performance and the Poem
Open Field Poetics and Projective Verse: Adaptations
Countercultural Performance: Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Performing Race: Amiri Baraka's Jazz Poetic
Dub Poetry and its Descendants: Mutabaruka, Linton
Kwesi Johnson and Benjamin Zephaniah
The Poet Performer: Drama and Comedy in Paul Durcan
and Don Paterson
Per forma tivity: Lyn Hejinian
Performance, the Voice and the World: Kate Fagan
Conclusion: Performance Writing and Experiment:
Caroline Bergvall
Chapter 4 Environment and Space
Reading Space and Environment
Ecocriticism: Landscape and Ecology in Gary Snyder's
A Poetics of Place: Geoffrey Hill, Robert Hass and Anne
The Spatial Turn
Space, the City and the Poem: Edwin Morgan, Kathleen
Jamie and Paula Meehan
Psychogeography: The Poet in the City - Iain Sinclair
Travelogue from the Regional to the Global: Robert
Minhinnick and Lorna Goodison
Ecopoetics and the Future
Apocalyptic Landscapes: John Kinsella
Conclusion: Juliana Spahr's Ecopoetics and Ideas of
Chapter 5 Dialects, Idiolects and Multilingual Poetries
Global Poetry or, English as a Global
Dialect and Phonetic Poetry: Tony Harrison, Tom
Leonard and Liz Lochhead
The 'big one, better tongue': Jackie Kay
From Orality to Text: Ethnopoetics in Simon Ortiz and
Joy Harjo's Poetry
Bilingualism and Translation in Poetry
'My glossolalia shall be my passport': Gwyneth Lewis
Immigration and Linguistic Difference: Li-Young Lee
Interlingual Poetics: Lorna Dee Cervantes
Idiolects or Ideolectical Poetries
Linguistic Cross-fertilisation: Tusiata Avia
Conclusion: Daljit Nagra
What is Electronic Writing?
Content-specific Electronic Writing: John Cayley, Jenny
Weight, Ingrid Ankerson and Megan Sapnar, Reiner
Strasser and M.D. Coverley
Electronic Experimentation and Language: Peter Finch
and Trevor Joyce
Poet's Playground: 'Flarf Poetry
Documentation and Poetry: Mark Nowak's Coal
Mountain Elementary
Textured Information: Joshua Clover and Claudia Rankine
Disseminating Poetry
Student Resources
Electronic Resources
Questions for Discussion
Poetry Anthologies
Guide to Further Reading


English poetry--History and criticism.
English poetry--History and criticism.

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