Recent Progress in Medicinal Plants: Phytothereutics / S.K. Shama, J.N. Govil, V.K. Singh [editors] - Houston: Studium Press, 2005. - 497 p. 25 cm.


Toxicological Evaluation of Plant Extracts.
Is it Necessary?
Alexis Vidal, Adyary Fallarero and Pia Vuorela
Antigenotoxic Effect of the Aqueous Extract ofPhyllanthus
orbicularis HBKin y-irradiated £;sc/ieric/iia coli Cells
Alena Ai.onso, Jorge Luis Fuentes,
Enrique Prieto, AngelSanchez- Lamar,
Mirle Ferrer and Montserrat Llagostera
Brassinosteroids: From Distribution to
Metabolism in Plants Andrzej Bajguz
Haemorrhoids-A Herbal Solution S.K. Sharma and Monika Kumar
Therapeutic Potential of Indian Medicinal Plants
for Anti-Diabetic Activity Anju Lata, C.Arunachalam, Rajeev Kr. Sharma,
DEOK-Gk)N Kim and Suruchi T^'agi
Plants with Antiulcer Activity-A Review AnwarJamal, Farah, M.Aslam,M.A.Jafri,
S. Singh and Javed
Plants Used in the Traditional Treatment of Peptic Ulcer; Case Study of Glyphae hrevis Spreng (Tiliaceae)
SirNDAY Vitalis Nwafor
Validation of the Antimicrobial Property of Some Plants Commonly Used for the Treatment of
Mouth Infections in South-West Nigeria
O.A. Oki<., A.O. Oyedkji and A.J. Afoi^ayan
Herbal Therapeutics in Oral Health Care
Shelvi Agarwal, Rajeev Kr. Siiarma,
Sneh Lata and R.M. Johhi
10. A Review of Plants with Hypolipidemic Activities
S. Farah Mahdi, M.U. Azhar, M. Asiaivi,
M.A. Jafri, S. Singh and Kalim Javed
11. Studies on Anticoagulant Activity ofAzadirachta indica
R. R. Chattopadhyay and M. Bandyopadh^'ay
12. Efficacy and Tolerability of Anxicalm in
Anxiety Associated with Common Cardiac Disorders
J.P. Ranade and J. Bhaduri
Effects ofPimpinella anisum Fruits Extract
on Rat Blood Pressure and on Contractile
Responses ofthe Isolated Rat Vas Deferens,
Rat Colon and Guinea Pig Ileum Preparations
Mohammad FatehiandZahraFatehi-Hassanabad
New Treatment Approach towards Alzheimer's Disease:
Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase
Inhibitors from Natural Sources
Ilkay Orhan and Bilge Sener
Anti HIV Plants at a Glance
M.U. Azhar, F. Akhtar Farah, D. Khanam,
M. Asi^m, Tajuddin, S. Singh and M.A. Jafri
Osteoporosis-A Review
Phytomedicines—An Alternative?
Annie shirwaikar and Arun Shirwaikar
study ofHepatoprotective and Antioxidant
Actions o^Mimusops hexandra Roxb.
Mamta B. Shah, S.S. Goswami and D.D. Santani
Studies on Anit-Diarrhoeal Activity oilonidium
saffruticosam Ging (Violaceae) Extract in Rats
R. Boominathan, B. Parimala Devi, and Subhash. C. Mand/u,
Methods ofStudy Antiparasitic Properties of
Medicinal and Aromatic Paints
MoI'HSSEN Laiilol'
Saponins and its Possible Role in the
Control of Helminth Parasites
S.P. SiNFL\ Babu
Plant Extracts in the Regulation of Hypothyroidism
Anand Kar /
d Sunanda Panda
CNS Activity of Eupatorium adenophorum
Spreng. Leaf Extract
SuBRATA K. Mandal, R. Boominathan,
B. Parimala Devi and Subhash C. Mandal
Folk Herbal Remedies Used for the
Treatment of Joints Pain
Aminuddin and R.D. Girach
Herbal Remedies from Shiselweni
Rigion of Swaziland
OLU^i^'OLE O. G. Amusan, Nonhlanhla A.Su]and Fortunate G. Hlophe
Pteridophytes-A Boon for the Mankind
Pradeep Parihar, Leena Daswani and
Achaleshwar Bohra


Medicinal Plants

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