Shakespeare and the art of lying / edited by Shormishtha Panja ; with a foreword by Peter Ronald deSouza. - New Delhi : Orient Blackswan, 2013. - xiv, 233 pages ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Foreword by Peter Ronald deSouza
Shormishtha Panja
one 'You lie, you are not he': Identity, Rhetoric
and Convention in Shakespeare's Art of Lying
Stuart Sillars
two Reading Faces in Hamlet
Coppelia Kahn
three Being True to Yourself: Lying in Hamlet
Supriya Chaudhuri
four 'Truth may seem, but cannot be': Truth
as Contingent in Shakespeare's 'The Phoenix
and the Turtle'
R. JV Desai
five Dissimulation, Sprezzatura and Negative
Politeness in Castiglione and Shakespeare
Shormishtha Panja
six Reading King Lear: The Evil of Lying antl
the 'Perception' of Truth
Gangeya Mul{herji
seven Gendering Lying and Truth-telling in Othello
Swati Ganguly
eight The Illusory Referent: Structure and Gender
as Fiction in Philip Sidney's The Old Arcadia
and William Shakespeare's Ttvelfth Night
Davinder Mohini Ahuja
nine 'Character Colonisation': Play(s)-within-theplay
in A Midsummer Night's Dream and Its
Recent Malayalam 'Adaptation'
V. C. Harris
ten Literary Fiction and the Art of Verisimilitude
Bijoy H. Boruah
eleven '... denn—es giebt keine Wahrheit.
(... for—there is no truth.): Nietzsche and
Hamlet or the Rehabilitation of Fiction
in Philosophy
Gert Hofmann

9788125052647 812505264X

Truthfulness and falsehood in literature
Truthfulness and falsehood in literature.

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