Guha, Sumanta.

Computer graphics through openGL: from theory to experiments/ Sumanta Guha - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015. - xxxi, 919 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.

Includes bibliographical references (pages 885-894) and indexes.

I Hello world
1. An invitation to computer graphics
2. On to openGL and 3D computer graphics
II Tricks of the Trade
3. An openGL toolbox
III Movers and shapers
4. Transformation, animation and viewing
5. Inside animation: the theory of transformations
6. Advanced animation techniques
IV Geometry for the home office
7. Convexity and interpolation
8. Traingulation
9. Orientation
V making things Up
10. Modelling in 3D space
VI Lights, camera, Equation
11. Color and light
12. Texture
13. Special visual techniques
VII Pixels, Pixels, Everywhere
14. Raster algorithms
VIII Anatomy of curves and surfaces
15. Bezier
16. B-Spline
17. Hermite
IX Well projected
18. Application of projective spaces
X The time is pipe
19. Fixed-functionality pipelines
XI Rendering pipe dreams
20. OpenGL 4.3, shaders and the programmable pipeline: Liftoff
21. OpenGL 4.3, shaders and the programmable pipeline: Escape velocity


Computer graphics

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