Foundamentals of library automation/ edited by S.K. Sharma - New Year: Ess Ess Publications, 1995. - ix, 300 p.

1. Some units of Time
2. Abacus

3. Computer classification Chart

4. Comparative Generation study of Computer

5. Comparative Study of Computer Categories

6. Chart of Computer Hardware Units

7. Computer Architechture (Hardware Structure)

Display of Computer Hju-dware Units
9. Bus

10. Key Board

11. Cartridge Tape

12. Floppy Disc

13. CD-ROM

14. VDU

15. Dot-matrix Printer

16.Laser Printer

17. Representation of Numbers in Decimal System

18. Converaion of Binary to Decim^

19. Decimal - Binary conversion

20.Operating System in Computer set-up
21.Symbols used in Flow Charting
Flow Chart
22. Floe chart
23. Loop
24. Tiwift taken in Computerised vs.
Non-computerised Libraries
25. WordStar Opening Menu
26. Defining data base Structure (dBASB)
27. Defining data base Structure (dBASB)
28. Creating Structure (dBASE)
29. Data Entry Worksheet (dBASE) 163
30. Filling Worksheet (dBASE) 164
31-34. Print Commands (dBASE) 16?-6
35. Opening Menu (dBASE) 166
36. New Commands (CDS/ISIS) 169
37. Opening lilenu (CDS/ISIS) 170
38. FDT Screen (CDS/ ISIS) 171
39. Filled in FDT (CDS/ISIS) 173
40. Sample Worksheet (CDS/ISIS) 176
41. Display Format Screen (CDS/ISIS) 176
42. Filled in Format Screen (CDS/ISIS) 177
43. Display of Formatting Commands (CDS/ISIS) 177
44. FST Screen (CDS/ISIS) 178
45-48. Field Commands Display (CDS/ISIS) 182-3
49-51. Indentation Commands Display (CDS/ISIS) 184-5
52. MFN Command Display (CDS/ISIS) 187
53. Boolean Search Display (CDS/ISIS) 189
54. Free Text Search Display (CDS/ISIS) 190
55. Chart of DTP Components 198
56. Mouse 199
57. Scanners 200
58. Star Network Topology 216
59. Mesh Network Topology 217
60. Bus Network Topology 218
61. Ring Network Topology 219
62. Fully Connected Network Topology 220
63. Multidrop Network Topolo^ 220
64. MODEM 222

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