Khanna, J.K

Library and Society - 2nd rev.enl. ed. - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 1987. - 500 p.

Library and Society through the Ages: A Prologue
1. Growth and Development Of The Library Concept
2. Library In Modem Society
3. Library As Disseminator of Information
4. The Public Library As An Educator
5. University library: The Sun Around Which Teaching and Research Revolve
6. College Library Activities
7. School library
8. Special libraries: The Power- Houses For Generating
9. National library
10. Development of library Services In Modem India: Plans and Proposals
11. British Public library: A Wonder of Legislation
12. Public librarys In U.SA
13. Library Legation: A Critical Appreciation
14. Five Laws: Implications and Impact on Universe Of Subjects
15. Scientific Method In library Science
16. Co-operation and Resource-Sharing
17. Public Relations For libraries
18. Extension Services of Public and University library
19. National library: India, U JC, U.SA, Russia
20. Professionalisation: Criticisms Dilemma
21. Academic Status For Librarians: Psychological and Sociological Foundations
22. National Libraries Associations: U.SA, UJC, India /
23. Library Activities of UNESCO, FED, IFFLA, INSDOC and SSDOC
24. Censorship and Copyright
25. Library, Computer and Paperless Society
26. Library and Mass Media Of Communication
27. Producers, Distributors and Consumers of Knowledge in Modem Society
28. Library Buildings


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