
Leadership and professionalism for new age libraries / editors, P.K. Jain, Tariq Ashraf, Shantanu Ganguly, Debal C. Kar. - x, 386 pages, 4 unnumbered pages : illustrations ; 28 cm

Copyright: Society for Library Professionals.

Includes bibliographical references.

Leadership Strategy in Library and Information Science Field
1. Leadership Role of the National Library and Documentation Centre of Sri Lanka
Mervin Kumara
2. Leadership as a Cultural Experience of Librarians in an Academic library
Ike Iszvary Lawanda
3. Leadership Initiative in Digital Library Services for E-Resource and E-Leaming Management:
Case Study of Various Indian Digital Repositories
Durga SankarRath, Mr. Samrat Guha Roy
4. Librarian the Leader: Ethics and Professionalism in Library and Information Science
v. R. Deshmukh
5. Institutional Leadership of Library towards Socio-Economic Transformation
Santosh ANavalur, Dr. R. Balasubramani, Pratap Sethy
6. Re-thinking Library Leadership: Unlocking the Key Frontiers of the 21st Century Library
Champeswar Mishra
7. Leadership Skills for Library Professionals: Indeed a need in Modern Era
8. Leadership: A key competency for working in a corporate environment
Neelima Jadhav
9. Special Libraries Association: Creating Leaders around the World
Dr. P. K. Jain, Parveen Babbar
10. Fostering Librarian Leadership
Shweta Dhingra
11. Epitome of Leadership: The Librarian
Dr.SN Imam
12. Importance of Leadership in Librarianship
Youd Vir Singh, Deepti Babbar
Maximizing Leadership and Core Competency Development
13. Changing Role of Libraries in Digital Era
Satish Kumar Shrivastava, Shyam Chaurasia
14. Using Technology for Professional Development in Changing LIS Environment
15. Business Information Sources: A Study of Information Needsof Managers Working in Indian
Financial Industry
Dr. AkhtarParvez
16. The New Information Professional: How to Thrive in the Information Age?
Sanat Bhattacharya
17. Competency for Library Professionals in Electronic Environment
Ashwani Kumar, Dr. M. P. Singh
18. An Increasing Influence of Knowledge Management for Library and Information Science
(LB) Professionals
Kiran Tiwari, Dr. Anita Gangrade
19. Knowledge Management in Libraries and Information Centers
RamNath Maurya
20. Innovative Knowledge Management for Enterprises
Ranjith Nayar, Rajeshvoari Narendran, Suresh D Nair, Smitha Nayar
21. Fostering Innovative Leadership in Distance Education: A Case Study of IGNOU
Parveen Babbar, Seema Otandhok
Digital Library, Leadership and Elliics
22. Mentoring in Libraries
Parveen Babbar, R K Bhatt
23. Professional Ethics for Library Professionals: Need, Codes of Conduct and Dilemmas
Jitender Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Kumar
24. Who's the Fairest of Us All? A Comparison of the Influence of the American Library
Association Code of Ethics on Academic Librarians and Library Admimstrators
Kaetrena Davis Kendrick
25. EPR Information in Digital Era: a new roadmap for LB Professionals
Rajkumar Singh, Ruchi Nanda
26. Licensing and Pricing Issues in the Age of Digitsd Information
Adesh Kumar, Bimlesh Kumar Verma
27. Ethics and Opportunities in Working Culture of Library and Information Science Professionals
Naresh Kumar
28. Ethics in cop)night and intellectual property rights in India
Aditi Budhiraja
29. Professional Ethics in Librariairship: A Necessity
Ruchika Krishna
30. Ethical Leadership: a Prime Mover in flie Quality Information Provision in the Digital Era
Susmita Oidkraborty
Application of ICT for Augmentation of Library Services
31. Recruiting the best: using Emotional Intelligence as a selection criteria.
Pradeepa Wijetunge
32. Islamic Digital Libraries in Iran: Assessment of Search Features and their Consequences
Hedayat Behroozfar, Fatemeh Farkhari
33. Utility and Management of E-Resources in Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar,
Bareilly (INDIA): A Case Study
Dr Shilpi Verma, Dr K.L Mahawar, Nirdesh Kumar Kanaujia
34. Automating the Library of Kanpur Institute of Technology, Kanpur (U.P.) India, Using libSys
Aswani Yadav
35. Institutional Research Data Collection Methodologies and Tools: Library Request System and
Qtation Analysis
Sheila L. Rosenthal
36. Information Seeking Habits of Agricultural Scientists in the Electronic Environment
Maya Devi
37. Use of E-Resources by Medical Students at AIIMS, New Delhi: A Study
Mohammad Haroon Khan, Zahid Ali, Reshma Irshad
38. Emerging Trends in Information Technologies in Library and Information Science
Isha Yadav
39. Open Source Software and Database Design: A Case Study of Managing Institutional
Publications Details using Open Source Software Tools
40. Discover the Knowledge Assets on Web: A Survey for the Web Use Behavior
Monawwer Eqbal, Nadeem Sohail
41. Designing of Bio-informatics Web Portal Using Bluevoda Software
SushmaH.R., Smt. GeethaM,Dr. WalmikiR.H.
42. Role of B.B. Dikshit Library (AUMS) in Delivery of Heallh Information
K.P. Singh
43. User Needs and Librarianship in ITC Era: A Case Study
Rahiullah Khan, Mohammad Usman, Helaluddin
44. Open Access of Scholarly Journals: DJLIT Users' Survey
DipH Arora, Alka Bansal
45. Usage Statistics is an Indicator for Decision Making in E- Journal Management
M.R.Rawtani, S. Siva Chidambaram,
46. Digital Reference Service:A Shift
47. Digital Collections and Services: An Initiative of MGSIPAP Library, Chandigarh
P Venkata Rao
48. Information and Communication Technology Adaptation In African Libraries: The Leadership
49. Automation:A Model for Government Polytechnic Libraries
Kalpana Singh, Adesh Kumar
50. Role of Consortia in Academic Library: A Study
Rohit Singh, Saurahh Lohia, Dalimi Devi, Surhhi Saini
Inculcating Leadership Knowledge through Capacity Building
51. Refocusing on CapacityBuilding Strategic Shifts for Preparing US Professionals For Future
Special Libraries
Dr. Harish Chandra
52. Leadership and Professionalism in Library and Information Services
Dr. P K Jain, Geeta Paliwal
53. Exploring educational use of blogs in today's classroom
M R Ramesh
54. Citation Analysis of Doctoral Dissertations in Centre for Water Resources - A Case Study
Banumathy Gandhi
55. Collaboration System of Selected Learning Resource Centers in the Educationand Training
Units of the AFP-DND
Nolie G. Enem
56. Curriculum of Post- Graduate (Integrated) Courses in Library and Information Science Schools
of Northern India; An Analysis
Shabir Ahmad Ganaie, Abdul Rashid
57. Status of College Libraries in Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh): A Comparative Study
Rtipesh Kumar, Sarvesh Kumar
58. Management Education in 21 Century: The Experience of First Decade
Dr. Rajeev Bharadwaj, Prof. Vinay fta
59. Emotional Literacy Among Aspiring Library and Information Professionals Through Curricular
Initiatives: Preparations for Techno-Corporate Pressures
60. User Friendly Library Environment In Universities In India - Enabling Strategies
Neetika Sharma, Sanjay Gupta
61. Leadership Style Stratergies and Management in Library Service
Jayanti Singh, Bharti Sharma
62. e-Health Access in India: An Initiative
Lalita Dheer
63. Ethical Approach towards Decision Making in Librarianship
Salek Chand, Dr. O. N. Chaubey

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Librarians--Professional ethics

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