Khanna, J.K

Documentation and information: Services, system and techniques - Agra : Y.K Publishers, 2005 - 359 p.

1. Knt>\vlcclgc Explosiim
2. Ddcumcnhition and Il's Facets
3. Infiirmalitni Services
4. Currenl Awareness Services Selective Dissemination of
Information Rouleing of F'eriodicals
5. Rclerencc Service, Documentation and information
Service ; Confusion or Fusion
t». Sources of Information
1. Inldrmalion Storage and Retrieval
S. Indexing And Information Retrieval
•>. hulcxing Systems
10. Abstract and Ab.slracting
1 1. Thesaurus in information Retrieval
12. INIS ; International Nuclear Information System
I.C AtiRIS : International Information System for the
Agricultural Sciences and Technology
14. CNESCO : International Information Transfer
\S. FID : (International Federation For Documentation)
10. NISSAT : (National Information System for .Science
and Technology)
17TIN.SDC : (Indian Natiiinal ScientiHc Documentation
F). Reprography and Micrograhy
21). Library Networks

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