TY - BOOK AU - Holub,Allen I. TI - Compiler design in C SN - 9788120307780 (pb) U1 - 055.453 PY - 1990/// CY - Delhi PB - Prentice-Hall KW - C++ (Computer program language) N1 - Includes index; 1. Basic Concepts 1.1 The Parts of a Compiler 1.1.1 The ljexical Analyzer. 1.1.2 Ihe Parser 1.1.3 The Code Generator 1.2 Representing Computer Languages 1.2.1 Grammars and Parse Trees 1.2.2 An Expression Grammar 1.2.3 Syntax Diagrams 1.3 A Recursive-Descent Expression Compiler 1.3.1 The Lexical Analyzer . 1.3.2 The Basic Parser 1.3.3 Improving the Parser . 1.3.4 Code Generation 1.4 Exercises 2. Input and Lexical Analysis 2.1 TheLe^iical Analyzer as Part of a Compiler* 2.2 Error Recovery in Lexical Analysis* 2.3 Input Systems* 2.3.1 An Example Input System* 2.3.2 An Example Input System—Implementation 2.4 Lexical Analysis* 2.4.1 Languages* 2.4.2 Regular Expressions* 2.4.3 Regular Definitions* 2.4.4 Finite Automata* 2.4.5 Sute-Machine-Driven Lexical Analyzers* 2.4.6 Implementing a Sute-Machine-Driven Lexical Analyar 2J IfX—A Lcxictl-Analyzcr Gfncraior* 2.5.1 Thonipsort'=-Constniclion: From a Regular Expression to an NFA* 2.5.2 Implementing Thompson's Construction , Data Structures A Regular-Expression Grammar File Header Error-Message Processing Memory Management 2.5J 6 Macro Support EX'S Lexical Analyzer Parsing 2.5.3 Interpreting an NFA—^Theory* 2.5.4 Interpreting an NFA—Implementation . 2.5.5 Subset Construction: Converting an NFA to a DFA—Theory* 2.5.6 Subset Construction: Converting an NFA to a DFA—Implementation 2.5.7 DFA Minimization—Theory* 2.5.8 DFA Minimization—Implementation 2.5.9 Compressing and Printing the Tables Urtcomprcssed Tables Pair-ComprcssedTables Redundant-Row-and-Column-Compressed Tables 2.5.10 Tying It All Together 2.6 Exercises 3. Context-Free Grammars 3.1 Sentences, Phrases, and Context-Free Grammars 3.2 Derivations and Sentential Forms 3.2.1 LLand LR Grammars 3.3 Parse Trees and Semantic Difficulties 3.4 £ Productions 3.5 The End-of-Input Marker 3.6 Right-Linear Grammars 3.7 Lists, Recursion, and Associativity '3.7.1 Simple Lists 3.7.2 The Number of Elements in a List 3.7.3 Lists with Delimiters 3.8 Expressions 3.9 Ambiguous Grammars 3.10 Syntax-Directed Translation 3.10.1 Augmented Grammars 3.10.2 Attributed Grammars 3.11 Representing Generic Grammars 3.12 Exercises. 4. TopiDown Parsing . 4.1 Push-Down Automata* 4.1.1 Recursive-Descent Parsers as Push-Down Automata* 4.2 Using a PDA fw a Top-Down Parse* 4.3 Error Recovery in a Top-Down Parser* 4.4 Augmented Grammars and Table-Driven Parsers* 4.4.1 Implementing Attributed Grammars in a PDA* 4.5 Automating the Top-Down Parse Process* 4.5.1 Top-Down Parse Tables* 4.6 LL( I) Grammars and Their Limitations'^ 4.7 Making the Parse Tables*" 4.7.1 HRST Sets'* 4.7.2 FOLLOW Sets'* 4.7.3 LL(I)Selection Sets* 4.8 Modifying Grammars* 4.8.1 Unreachable Productions* 4.8.2 Left Factoring* 4.8.3 Comer Substitution* 4.8.4 Singleton Substitution* 4.8.5 Eliminating Ambiguity* 4.8.6 Eliminating Left Recursion* 4.9 Implementing LL( I) Parsers 4.9.1 Top-Down, Table-Driven Parsing—^Tlie LLama Output File 4.9.2 Decs and LLama Debugging Sup^rt—yydebug.c 4.10 LLama—Implementing an LL(I) Parser-Generator 4.10.1 LLama's Parser 4.10.2 Creating Tl.e Tables Computing FIRST, FOLLOW, and SELECT Sets 4.10.3 The Rest of LLama 4.11 Exercises 5. Bottom-Up Parsing 5.1 How Bottom-Up Parsing Works* . 5.2 Recursion in Bottom-Up Parsing* 5.3 Implementing the Parser as a State Machine* 5.4 Error Recovery m an LR Parser* 5.5 The Value Stack and Attribute Processing* 5.5.1 A Notation for Bottom-Up Attributes* 5.5.2 Imbedded Actions* 5.6 Creating LR Parse Tables—Theory* 5.6.1 LR(0) Grammars* 5.6.2 SLR( I) Grammars* 5.6.3 LR(1) Grammars* 5.6.4 LALR(l)Grammars'* 5.7. Representing LR State Tables 5.8 Eliminating Single-Reduction States* 5.9 Using Ambiguous Grammars*- 5.10 Implementing an LALR(I) Parser—The Occs Output File 5.11 Implementing an LALR(l) Parser Generator—Occs Internals 5.1 I.I Modifying the Symbol Table for LALR(I) Grammars 5.12 ParserrFile Generation 5.13 Generating LALR(l) Parse Tables 5.14 Exercises 6. Code Generation 6.1 Intermediate Languages ^ 2 C-code: An Intermediate Language and Virtual Machine 6.2.1 Names and White Space 6.2.2 Basic Types 6.2.3 The Virtual Machine; Registers, Stack, and Memory 6.2.4 Memory Organization: Segments 6.2.5 Variable Declarations: Storage Classes and Alignment 6.2.6 Addressing Modes