Dhiman, Anil K.

Learn library management/ Anil K. Dhiman and Yashoda Rani - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2005 - 231 p.

1. Concept and Principles of Management and ... 1
Library Management versus Library
Administration; Principles of Management;
Different Schools of Management Thoughts;
Participative Management; Performance Appraisal
and Total Quality Management (TQM).
2. Collection Development ... 29
2A Acquisition Section: Policy, Source and Work ... 39
2B Technical Section Work ... 61
2C Circulation Section : Work and Membership ... 76
2D Reference Section : Policy Work and ... 91
Orientation Programme
2E Periodical Section ... 96
2F Maintenance Section : Guiding, Shelving and ... 108
Stock Rectification, Verification and Binding
3. Library Finance : Budgeting and Accounts ... 138
Principles of Financial Management; Source of
Finance; Library Budget; Budgeting Techniques.
4. Organizational Structure; Library Personnel: ... 158
their Classification, Qualification; Job Analysis,
Staff Manuai and Human Resource Development
5. Library Building : Planning, Furniture and ••• 182
Role of Librarian and Architect in Library Building
Planning; Library Building Models.
6. Library Authority and Library Committee: Role ... 195
and Functions
Library Authority and its Different Types; Library
Committee: Its Role in Library Service and
7. Annual Reports, Library Rules, Library ... 204
Statistics and Library Publicity
Annual Reports: Its Functions and Importance and
Contents; Library Statistics : Its Types and Uses;
Library Rules and Model Library Rules.


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