Sharma, U. C.

Librarianship today and tomorrow/ Umesh Chandra Sharma - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 1997 - ix, 286 p.: ill.

1. Total Quality Management in Lib. & Inf. Services 7 -15
- S.L. Jain & D.K. Gupta
2. Total Quality' Management in Libraries 16-19
- Vinod Graver
3. Team Building: A Managerial Technique 20-25
for Library Managers
- Sudha Saxena
4. From Managerial Functions to Managerial Roles 26-29
- Preeti God
5. Image and Status of Librarians 30-37
- M.K. Srivastava
6. Users' Participation in Collection Development 41"15
in University Libraries
- Usha Pawan
7. Inculcating Reading Habit among Students 46-50
- S.P. Sood
8. Collection Building in University Libraries 51-63
- M.R. Raudini
9. Book Acquisition Programme is Lib. & Inf. Centres 64-71
- RK. Bhatt and Prem Lai
10. Landmarks in Library Science Education
(with special reference to U.G.C.) .75-83
- Mohd. Sabir Husain
11. Distance Education in India : Few Observations 84-89
- N. Laxntan Rao
12. New Education Policy and University Libraries 90-94
- B.K. Sharnut
13. Universal Accessibility'to Information 97-110
- Prabha Sharnut
14. S>'mbiosis Between Marketing and Information 111-114
- U.C. Shamta & Sanjeev Sharma
15. Advances in Information Technologv-
and Lib. & Inf. Work 115-125
- Abdul Rashid
16. implication of Information Technology
in University Libraries 126-135
- ShamoU Roy
17. Networking of Academic Libraries in India 136-147
- S.S. Pawar and Usha Pawan
18. Database Creation in Libraries I48-I6I
- Pandey S.K Sharma
19. INTERNET and Bridging Information Gap 162-172
- Ravinder K Chadha
20. Online Information Retrieval System;
Databases, Data Networks and 173-192
Online Search Services in India
- Jagdish Arora
21. Role of Intermediaries in Online Searching 193-197
- H.R Chopra
22. CD-ROM 198-204
- Pawan K Gupta
23. How To Make End User's'Online Searching Easier 205-208
- Neera Sahni
24. Towards Common Communication Formats 209-229
- Adtwini Thvari
25. Automation of A University Library and
Automated Book Circulation 230-238
- Amjad AU
26. Trends in Information Transfer 239-245
- Bharat Kumar God
27. Information Gathering Habits of Arid Zone Scientists 249-257
- D.C. Ojha
28. Need of National Information
System for Islamic Studies Libraries of India 258-265
- Mohammad Yusuf
29. Stud)' circles 166-11
- AC. Jain
30. Public Library System in Madhya Pradesh 272-277
- Surendra Singh Tomar
31. Effective Corrununication And
Information Technologv' lli-lSl
- O.P. Gupta
32. Software Packages For Library Automation 283-286
- Aslam Mehdi


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