Mishra, K.C.

21st Century Library Management - New Delhi: Ess Ess Publications, 2004 - 198 p.: ill.

:1 What is a Library
2 Books in Life
3 Dependence on Library
4 Library Building
5 Area of Library or
Standards for Library Buildings and
Design as per U.G.C. Scheme
:6 Functions of Library members
7 Library as an Information Centre
8 Furniture's
9 Library Lighting
10 Library accessories
11 Acquisition of Books for the Library
12 Book Selection Policy
13 Theories of book Selection
14 Ranganathans Five Laws of Library
15 Book Selection for a Public Library
16 Book Selection for a Academic Library
17 Book Selection for a Special Library
18 Book selection sources
19 Trade Catalogues
20 Books Review
21 Book acquisition procedures
22 Purchasing of Reading materials
23 Routine works of Acquisition
CHAPTER - II ... 31
2:1 How to handle books In the library.
2:2 Routine work of the Library
2:3 Accessioning of books
2:4 Classification
2:5 Cataloguing
2:6 Preparation of shelf list
2:7 Book card
2:8 Arrangement of books in shelves
2:9 Membership card
2:10 Call Number/Marking or Notation
2:11 Working of Binding section
2:12 Mending of books
2:13 Prevention of Insects
2:14 Open shelf system
2:15 Discarding of books
2:16 Loss of Books
2:17 Reference service
2:18 Reading room
2:19 Journal and periodicals
3:1 Library Rules
3:2 Libra^ Committee
3:3 Appointment of Librarians and other staff of Library
3:4 Selection procedure of Library Staff
3:5 Duties of the Librarians
3:6 Conduct of the Librarians
3:7 Finance
3:8 Library fund
3:9 Library automation
3:10 Annuai verification
CHAPTER - IV ... 79
4.1 Letter No. 4522 dated 15.2.74 of D.P.I. (H.E.)
Orissa on Professional training of Librarians.
4.2 Letter No. 32095/EYS dated 2.12.1974 of the
Government of Orissa Education and Youth
Services Department on Yardstick for
entertainment of class III and class IV staff in
Libraries of Government colleges.
4.3 Letter No. 26018 / EYS dated 28.7.1977 of the
Govemment of Orissa Education and Youth Science
Department on Professional Training of existing
Librarian and fresh appointment of trained
candidates as Librarians.
4.4 Govt. of India notification date forfulbright
scholarship nominations.
4.5 Executive Instructions No. 45546 dated
18.10.1986 of the Directorate of Higher Education,
Orissa on Return of Library book by the Borrowers.
4.6 Copy Letter No. F.I. 96 / 81 (GPP-1) djated 5th
May 1987 of the Deputy Secretary, U.G.C. for
upgradation in salary scale of Librarians in colleges.
4.7 Letter No. 542 date. 3.1.1998 of Govt. of Orissa
Home Department on Fixation of criteria for
promotion to the rank of Librarian / Appointment
to the post ofAsst. Librarian in the Orissa
Secretariat Library.
CHAPTER-V ...101
5:1 Specimen of a Book Selection card.
5:2 Specimen of a Book Selection list.
5:3 Specimen of a Quotation letter.
5:4 Specimen of an allocation Register.
5:5 Specimen of an order letter.
5:6 Specimen of Discrepancies In supply form.
5:7 Specimen ofan Accession Register.
5:8 Specimen ofan Accession Stamp.
5:9 Specimen of Spine Label.
5:10 Specimen of Date slip
5:11 Specimen of Book Card
5:12 Specimen of Book Card.
5:13 Specimen of Location Marks.
5:14 Specimen of Binding Register / Card.
5:15 Specimen of Accession Register.
5:16 Specimen of Stock Taking Register
5:17 Specimen of Stock Taking sheets
5:18 Specimen of shelf list
5:19 Specimen of stock taking
5:20 Specimen of letter Bills for payment
5:21 Specimen of contingent Bill
5:22 Specimen of Application for a remittance In forelgrt
5:23 Periodical order work
5:24 Periodical register
5:25 periodicals register
5:26 Specimen of ledger for periodicals
5:27 Specimen of card system
5:28 Specimen of verso at the law
5:29 Specimen of register law
5:30 Specimen of classified index
5:31 Specimen of bottom law
5:32 Specimen of the bottom law
5:33 Specimen of the top card
5:34 Specimen of routing slip
5:35 Specimen of group routing slip
5:36 Specimen of membership register
5:37 Specimen of Reservation Slip
5:38Specimen Letter for procurement of books on
interlibrary loan basis
5:39Specimen Letter intimating the borrower for
demand book
5:40 Specimen Letter for inter library loan
5:41 Maintenance of record
5:42 Specimen Letter for clear Library dues
5:43 Specimen Letter for recovery of dues report
5:44 Specimen Letter for report of dues recovery
5:45 Specimen Letter for Loss of Library pass book-
5:46 Specimen application for loss of books.
5:47 Specimen Letter for loss of token
5:48 Specimen Letter for withdrawal of lockers
5:49 Specimen Letter to curb library malpractice
5:50 Specimen application for consultation facilities
5:51 Specimen consultation slip
5:52 Specimen an clearance application form
5:53 Specimen an clearance certificate
5:54Specimen N.D.C.
5:55 Specimen Ledger system
5:56 Specimen day book register
5:57 Specimen ledger system
5:58 Specimen date slip
5:59 Specimen book pocket
5:60 Specimen book send
5:61 Specimen borrower's ticket
5:62 Specimen Date slip
5:63 Specimen book pocket (inner back side)
5:64Specimen book card containing essential
5:65 Specimen borrower's card/identity card
5:66 Specimen membership-cum-identity card.
5:67 Borrower's card with metal plate
5:68 Specimen records of books
5:69 Specimen of an allocation register
5:70 Specimen of a Bill register
5:71 Specimen of visitors register
5:72 Specimen of annual report
5:73 Specimen of the statistical table on classification
5:74 Specimen on cataloguing.
5:75 Specimen of accession statistics
5:76 Specimen on statistics of periodically
5:77 Specimen of statistical table
5:78 Specimen of visitors register
5:79 Specimen of dally attendance statistics
5:80 Specimen of Issue statistics
5:81 Specimen of issue statistics Language wise
5:82 Specimen of issue statistics registration
5:83 Specimen of classified issue statistics
5:84 Specimen of statistics of books consulted
5:85 Specimen of reference queries
5:86 Specimen of statistics of income and expenditure
5:87 Specimen of staff statistics
5:88 Specimen of classing issue statistics
5:89 Specimen of issue statistics material-wise.

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