Kernighan, Brian W.

The C programming language/ Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie. - 2nd ed. - Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1988. - xii, 272 p. ; 25 cm.

Includes index.

Chapter 1. A Tutorial Introduction -- Getting Started -- Variables and Arithmetic -- Expressions -- The For Statement -- Symbolic Constants -- Character Input and Output --- Arrays -- Functions -- Arguments—Call by Value -- Character Arrays -- External Variables and Scope -- Chapter 2. Types, Operators, and Expressions -- Variable Names -- Data Types and Sizes -- Constants -- Declarations -- Arithmetic --- Operators -- Relational and Logical Operators -- Type Conversions -- Increment and Decrement Operators -- Bitwise Operators -- Assignment Operators and Expressions -- Conditional Expressions -- Precedence and Order of Evaluation -- Chapter 3. Control Flow -- Statements and Blocks -- Else -- Else-If -- Switch -- Loop.s —While and For -- Loops —Do-while -- Break and Continue -- Goto and Labels -- Chapter 4. Functions and Program Structure -- Basics of Functions -- Functions Returning Non-integers -- External Variables -- Scope Rules -- Header Files -- .6 Static Variables -- Register Variables -- Block Structure -- Initialization -- Recursion -- The C Preprocessor -- Chapter 5. Pointers and Arrays -- Pointers and Addresses -- Pointers and Function Arguments -- Pointers and Arrays -- Address Arithmetic -- Character Pointers and Functions -- Pointer Arrays; Pointers to Pointers -- Multi-dimensional Arrays -- Initialization of Pointer Arrays -- Pointers vs. Multi-dimensional Arrays -- Command-line Arguments -- Pointers to Functions -- Complicated Declarations -- Chapter 6. Structures -- Basics of Structures -- Structures and Functions --- Arrays of Structures -- Pointers to Structures -- Self-referential -- Structures -- Table Lookup -- Typedef -- Unions -- Bit-fields -- Chapter7. Input and Output -- Standard Input and Output -- Formatted Output —Print -- Variable-icngth Argument Lists -- Formatted Input—Scanf -- File Access -- Error Handling—Stderr and Exit -- Line Input and Output -- Miscellaneous Functions -- Giapter 8. The UNIX System Interface -- File Descriptors -- Low Level I/O—Read and Write -- Open, Great, Close, Unlink -- Random -- Access—Lseek -- Example—An Implementation of Fopen and Getc -- Example—Listing Directories -- Example—A Storage Allocator

0131103709 0131103628 (pbk.)

C (Computer program language)
Programming languages

005.13 / KER/C