Ackroyd, Peter

Shakespeare: the biography / Peter Ackroyd - 1st ed. - New York: Nan A. Talese, c2005. - xvi, 572 p., [16] p. of plates: ill. (some col.), ports. (some col.); 25 cm.

Originally published: Great Britain : Chatto & Windus, 2005.

Includes bibliographical references (p. [537]-548) and index.

Stratford - Upon - Avon
1 There Was a Starre Daunst, and Vnder That Was I Borne
2 Shee Is My Essence
3 Dost Thou Loue Pictures?
4 For Where Thou Art, There Is the World It Selfe
5 Tell Me This: Who Begot Thee?
6 A Witty Mother, Witlesse Else Her Sonne
7 But This Is Worshipfull Society
8 I Am a Kind of Burre, I Shal Sticke
9 This Prettie Lad Will Proue Our Countries Blisse
10 What Sees Thou There?
11 I Sommon Up Remembrance of Things Past
12 A Nowne and a Verbe and Such Abhominable Wordes
13 That’s Not So Good Now
14 Of Such a Mery Nimble Stiring Spirit
15 At Your Employment, at Your Seruice Sir
16 Before I Know My Selte, Seeke Not to Know Me
17 I Can See a (Jiurch by Day-Lij^iit
The Queen's Men
18 To rell Thee Plaine. I Ayme to Lye with Thee
19 This Way for Me
Lord Strange's Men
20 To Morrow, Toward London
21 The Spirit of the Time Shall Teach Me Speed 22 There’s Many a Beast Then in a Populous City
23 Sir I Shall Study Deserving
24 I Will Not Be Slack to Play My Part in Fortunes Pageant
25 As in a Theatre, Whence They Gape and Point
26 This Keene Incounter of Our Wits
27 My Sallad Dayes
28 I See Sir, You Are Eaten Vp with Passion
29 Why Should I Not Now Have the Like Successes?
30 O Barbarous and Bloody Spectacle
31 He Neuer Pawse Againe, Neuer Stand Still
The Earl of Pembroke's Men
32 Among the Buzzing Pleased Multitude
33 An’t Please Your Honor, Players
34 They Thought It Good You Heare a Play
35 There’s a Great Spirit Gone, Thus Did I Desire It
36 That Hath a Mint of Phrases in His Braine
The Lord chamberlain's Men
37 Stay, Goe, Doe What You Will
38 We Few, We Happy Few, We Band of Brothers
39 Lord How Art Thou Changed
40 Bid Me Discourse, I Will Inchaunt Thine Eare
41 Doth Rauish Like Inchaunting Harmonie
42 To Fill the World with Words
43 See, See, They loyne. Embrace, and Seeme to Kisse
44 What Zeale, What Furie, Hath Inspirde Thee Now?
45 Thus Leaning on Mine Elbow I Begin
46 So Musicall a Discord, Such Sweete Thunder
47 I Vnderstand a Fury in Your Words
48 So Shaken as We Are, So Wan with Care
49 Ah, No, No, No, It Is Mine Onely Sonne
50 What Are You? A Gentleman
51 His Companies Vnletter’d, Rude, and Shallow
52 You Haue Not the Booke of Riddles About You, Haue You?
53 You Would Plucke Out the Hart of My Mistery
New Place
55 Therefore Am I of an Honourable House
56 Pirates May Make Cheape Penyworths of Their Pillage
57 No More Words, We Beseech You
58 A Loyall, lust and Vpright Gentleman
The Globe
59 A Pretty Plot, Well Chosen to Build Vpon
60 Thou Knowest My Lodging, Get Me Inke and Paper
61 This Wide and Vniuersall Theatre
62 Then Let the Trumpets Sound
63 Why There You Toucht the Life of Our Designe
64 See How the Giddy Multitude Doe Point
65 And Here We Wander in Illusions
66 Sweete Smoke of Rhetorike
67 Well Bandied Both, a Set of Wit Well Played
68 Now, One the Better; Then, Another Best
69 I Must Become a Borrower of the Night
70 Tut I Am in Their Bosomes
71 And So in Spite of" Death Thou Doest Suruiue
72 I Am (Quoth He) Mxpected of Mv I riencls
73 My Lord This Is But the Blay, Theyre But in lest
The King's Men
74 Hee is something Peeuish That Way
75 1, But the (,’ase Is Alter’d
76 I Will a Round Unvarnish’d ’Tale Deliuer
77 Why, Sir, What’s Your Conceit in That?
78 The Bitter Disposition of the Titne
79 Oh You Go Farre
80 My Life Hath in This Iine Some Interest
81 That Strain Agen, It Had a Dying Fall
82 As in a Theatre the Eies of Men
83 And Sorrow Ebs, Being Blown with Wind of Words
84 And Beautie Making Beautiful! Old Rime
85 So There’s My Riddle, One That’s Dead Is Quicke
86 When Men Were Fond, I Smild, and Wondred How
87 Let Time Shape, and There an End
88 I Haue Not Deseru’d This
89 My Selfe Am Strook in Yeares I Must Confesse
90 The Wheele Is Come Full Circle I Am Heere
91 To Heare the Story of Your Life


Dramatists, English

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