Dean, Riaz

Mapping the Great Game Explorers, Spies & Maps in Nineteenth-Century Asia - U.S.A.: Penguin Random House, 2019. - 293p.

List of Maps and IllustrationsIntroductionPart One: The Great Game Begins1. The Early Years2. Britain Attacks to Defend IndiaPart Two: The GTS of India3. Lambton Starts the GTS4. Everest Completes the Great ArcPart Three: The Pundits5. Montgomerieā€™s Native Explorers 6. Northwest Frontier and Chinese Turkestan7. Tibet and the RiverPart Four: The Great Game Ends8. Russia Advances into Central Asia9. The Final YearsTimeline of Key Events Glossary BibliographyIndex


Central Asia
Tsarist Russia