Page,Andrew C.

Clinical Psychology for Trainees: Foundations of Science Informed Practice - New Delhi: Cambridge University Press, 2022. - v, 356p.

1. A science-informed model of clinical psychology practice;
2. Relating with clients;
3. Assessing clients;
4. Matching treatments and monitoring client progress;
5. Linking assessment to treatment: Case formulation;
6. Treating clients;
7. Brief interventions;
8. Low intensity psychological interventions;
9. Group treatment;
10. Program evaluation;
11. Case management;
12. Supervision;
13. Managing ruptures in therapeutic alliance;
14. Respecting the humanity of clients: Cross-cultural and ethical aspects of practice;
15. Providing therapy at a distance and working in rural and remote settings;
16. Psychologists as health care providers;
17. Working in private practice


Clinical psychology
Psychologues cliniciens Formation

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