Chakrabarti, Ranabir

Trade and Traders in Early Indian Society. - New Delhi: Manohar Publishers and Distributors, 2024. - xii,328p.

1) Introduction
2) Early Historical India: A Study in its Material Milieu (c. 600 BC-AD 300)
3) Merchants and Other Donors at Ancient Bandhogarh
4) The Putabhedana as a Centre of Trade in Early India
5) Rājaśreşţhī
6) Maritime Trade and Voyages in Ancient Bengal
7) Vangasagara-sambhandariyaka: A Riverine Trade Centre of Early Medieval Bengal
8) Seafaring in the Bengal Coast: The Early Medieval Scenario
9) Trade at Mandapikas in Early Medieval North India
10) The Pentha as a Centre of Trade in the Deccan c. AD 600-1300


History Asia India & South Asia
India Commerce History

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