Gilchrist, Alan

Information Science in Transition - London: Facet Publications, 2009. - 401p.

1. Fifty years of UK research in information science / Jack Meadows;
2. Smoother pebbles and the shoulders of giants: the developing foundations of information science / Dawid Bawden;
3. The last 50 years of knowledge organization: a journey through my personal archives / Stella G. Dextre Clarke;
4. On the history of evaluation in IR / Stephen Robertson;
5. The information user: past, present and future / Tom Wilson;
6. The sociological turn in information science / Blaise Cronin;
7. From chemical documentation to chemoinformatics: 50 years of chemical information science / Peter Willett;
8. Healt informatics: current issues and challeges / Petar A. Bath;
9. Social informatics and socitechnical research a view from the UK / Elisabeth Davenport;
10. The evolution of visual information retrieval / Peter Enser;
11. Information policies: yesterday, today, tomorrow / Elisabeth Orna;
12. The disparity in professional qualifications and progress in information handling: a European perspective / Barry Mahon;
13. Electronic scholarly publishing and Open Access / Charles Opppenheim;
14. Social software: fun and games, or business tools? / Wendy A. Warr;
15. Bibliometrics to webometrics / Mike Thelwall;
16. How I learned to love the Brits / Eugene Garfield


Information Science
Knowledge Organization
Information Policies

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