Ministry of Finance

Mumbai - An International Financial Centre/ Ministry of Finance - New Delhi: Sage, 2007.

Cover; Acknowledgements; Contents; Executive Summary; The Emergence of IFCs: A brief history; 21st Century IFS provided by IFCs; Case studies: London, New York, Singapore, Dubai; Domestic and Offshore demand for International Financial Services (IFS) in India; Augmenting IFS provision via BPO; Market deficiencies in Mumbai that inhibit the provision of IFS; The macroeconomic fallout of an IFC; Financial Regime Governance: Its role in an IFC and a comparative perspective; What are the limitations of financial regime governance?; Why does financial regime governance have these limitations? Reforming financial regime governance Tax policy for an IFC in Mumbai; A perspective on Mumbai's strengths; Urban infrastructure and governance; The HPEC's recommendations; Selected Bibliography; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Appendix D; Appendix E; Appendix F


Social Science