Gupta, Partha Sarathi

Imperialism and the British Labour Movement, 1914-1964/ Partha Sarathi Gupta - New Delhi: Sage, 2002.

Intro; Title; Copyright; Dedication; Contents; List of Abbreviations; Foreword to the New Edition; Preface to the Second Edition; Preface to the First Edition; Acknowledgements; 1 Introduction; 2 Reaction to the War and the Peace, 1914-22; 3 Imperial Economic Relations, 1922-29; 4 Imperial Political Issues, 1922-29; 5 The Second Labour Government: Imperial Economic Relations, 1929-31; 6 The Second Labour Government: Imperial Political Issues, 1929-31; 7 The Second Labour Government: The Indian Crisis, 1929-31; 8 From a Radical Opposition to Coalition, 1931-45; 9 Labour in Power, 1945-51 10 Colonial Reforms: Blueprints and Realities, 1945-5111 Labour between Commonwealth and Europe, 1951-64; 12 Conclusion; Biographical Index; Bibliography; Index; About the Author


Social Science