Pankaj, Ashok

Right to Work and Rural India: Working of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS)/ Ashok Pankaj - New Delhi: Sage, 2012.

Section I: Introduction
1 --Guaranteeing Right to Work in Rural India: Context, Issues and Policies

Section II: MGNREGS: Alleviating Poverty through Employment Generation
2 --MGNREGS: A Component of Full-employment Strategy for India
3 --Interpreting the Right to Work: What Relevance for Poverty Reduction?
4 --Which Way to Reduce Poverty: Cash Transfers or Employment Guarantee Scheme?

Section III: Working of the MGNREGS: Regional Variations in Implementation and Impact
5 --Demand and Delivery Gap: A Case for Strengthening Grass-roots Institutions in Bihar and Jharkhand
6 --Working of the Employment Guarantee Scheme in Rajasthan: Some Grass-roots Experiences
7 --MGNREGS in Andhra Pradesh: Examining the Role of State-enabled Institutions
8 --Employment Guarantee Scheme in Punjab: A Case Study of Hoshiarpur District

Section IV: MGNREGS and Agents of Rural Transformation
9 --Assets Creation and Local Economy under MGNREGS: Scope and Challenges
10 --MGNREGS and its Effects on Agriculture: Exploring Linkages
11 --MGNREGS and Indian Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges
12 --Empowerment Effects of the MGNREGS on Women Workers

Section V: Prospects
13 --Overcoming the Governance Challenges of Implementing MGNREGA?: Insight from Bihar Using Process-Influence-Mapping
14 --MGNREGA and Rural Governance Reform: Growth with Inclusion through Panchayats


Social Science