Srinivasan, Krishnamurthy

Population concerns in India: shifting trends, policies, and programs/ Krishnamurthy Srinivasan - New Delhi: SAGE, 2017. - xviii, 293 p.

Preface --
Origins of family planning program : population concerns in British India --
Population policies and programs since independence until 1977 : birth of the official birth control program --
Post-emergency recovery of the program 1977-95 : recoil and recovery --
Post ICPD phase (1996-2015) : ineffective integration of programs --
Culture and natural fertility --
Nuptiality and stability of marriage --
Demographic levels, trends, differentials, and challenges --
India in comparison --
Wobbling international and academic concerns on population --
The way forward --
Appendices --
Bibliography --
Index --
About the author.


Population policy
Family planning