Kaul, Asha

Corporate reputation decoded: building, managing and strategising for corporate excellence/ Asha Kaul - SAGE, 2014.

Cover; Contents; Preface; Acknowledgements; 1 --
An Overview of Corporate Reputation: A Hammer or a Tool?; SECTION I --
Understanding Corporate Reputation; 2 --
Waltzing with Stakeholders to Score on Corporate Reputation; SECTION II --
Building Corporate Reputation; 3- Redeeming Corporate Trust and Reputation: A Systemic Look at Corporate Governance and Ethics; 4 --
Orchestrating the Song and Dance of Reputation: The Role of Leaders; 5 --
Increasing Crescendo: Wooing Investors for Market Valuation and Visibility; 6 --
Seeking Relational Rentand Hedging Risk: Building Reputation with the Government. SECTION III --
Managing Corporate Reputation7 --
Unleashing the Potential of Social Responsibility for Reputational Gain: Managing Social Impact; 8 --
Choreographing the Organisation --
Media Tango: Managing Media Relations; 9 --
Understanding the 'Tweet. Post. Call. Comment' Affair: Managing Reputation through Social Media; 10 --
Restoring Confidence and Re-engineering Stakeholder Frames in 'The Eye of the Storm': Crisis Management; SECTION IV --
Strategising Corporate Reputation; 11 --
'Walk the Talk' and 'Talk the Walk': Strategising Corporate Reputation. Index I --
Companies, Regulatory Bodies and InstitutesIndex II --
People; About the Authors.


Business and Management