Studies in natural products chemistry/ edited by Atta-ur-Rahman. - Elsevier 2018. - 470 p.

Chapter 1 - Plant Lectins: Bioactivities and Bioapplications
Chapter 2 - The Role of NADP(H) Oxidase Inhibition and Its Implications in Cardiovascular Disease Management Using Natural Plant
Chapter 3 - The Current and Potential Therapeutic Uses of Parthenolide
Chapter 4 - Caged Garcinia Xanthones: Synthetic Studies and Pharmacophore Evaluation
Chapter 5 - Phytoestrogens as Potential Therapeutic Agents for the Treatment of Anxiety and Affective Disorders
Chapter 6 - Applications of Flavonoids, With an Emphasis on Hesperidin, as Anticancer Prodrugs: Phytotherapy as an Alternative to
Chapter 7 - Augmented Cell Signaling by Natural Polyphenols and Flavonoids: Insights Into Cancer Cell Remodeling and Prevention
Chapter 8 - Beneficial Effects of Anthocyanin From Natural Products on Lifestyle-Related Diseases Through Inhibition of Protease
Chapter 9 - Quercetin: Prooxidant Effect and Apoptosis in Cancer
Chapter 10 - Bioactive Components of Saffron and Their Pharmacological Properties
Chapter 11 - Anthraquinones: An Overview
Chapter 12 - The Genus Hymenaea (Fabaceae): A Chemical and Pharmacological Review
Chapter 13 - Phenolic Acids From Plants: Extraction and Application to Human Health
Chapter 14 - Cannabidiol in Refractory Epilepsy


Natural products