Polyphenols in plants/ edited by Ronald Watson. - Elsevier, 2019. - 442 p.

Chapter 1 - Not Only What Is Food Is Good—Polyphenols From Edible and Nonedible Vegetable Waste

Chapter 2 - Polyphenols in Agricultural Byproducts and Food Waste

Chapter 3 - Phenolic Natural Compounds and Their Influence on Physiological Processes in Plants

Chapter 4 - Improving Bioavailability of Polyphenols Using Nanodelivery Systems Based on Food Polymers

Chapter 5 - Polyphenols Resources in Indonesia From Economic Perspective

Chapter 6 - Structure and Antioxidant Efficiency of Beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) Bark Polyphenols Unraveled by High-Performance Liquid

Chapter 7 - Characterization and Quantification of Polyphenols in Fruits

Chapter 8 - Phenotypic Diversity of Colored Phytochemicals in Sorghum Accessions With Various Pericarp Pigments

Chapter 9 - Relevance and Analysis of Citrus Flavonoids

Chapter 10 - Extraction Methods of Polyphenol From Grapes: Extractions of Grape Polyphenols

Chapter 11 - Total Polyphenols Content and Antioxidant DPPH Assays on Biological Samples

Chapter 12 - Extraction of Phenolic Compounds From Coriandrum sativum L. and Amaranthus hybridus L. by Microwave Technology

Chapter 13 - Anthocyanins and Other Polyphenols in Citrus Genus: Biosynthesis, Chemical Profile, and Biological Activity

Chapter 14 - Rice Phenolics: Extraction, Characterization, and Utilization in Foods

Chapter 15 - Extraction of Polyphenols From Aromatic and Medicinal Plants: An Overview of the Methods and the Effect of Extraction Parameters

Chapter 16 - Classification of Phenolic Compounds in Plants

Chapter 17 - Gas Chromatography: Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Polyphenols in Foods

Chapter 18 - Reaction of Hemoglobin With the Schiff Base Intermediate of the Glucose/Asparagine Reaction: Formation of a Hemichrome

Chapter 19 - Adsorption and Ion Exchange for the Recovery and Fractionation of Polyphenols: Principles and Applications

Chapter 20 - HILIC Chromatography: Powerful Technique in the Analysis of Polyphenols

Chapter 21 - ChromatoKrystyna Pyrzynska and graphic Analysis of Polyphenols

Chapter 22 - Sweet Potato Leaf Polyphenols: Preparation, Individual Phenolic Compound Composition and Antioxidant Activity

Chapter 23 - Evaluation of the Phytochemistry and Biological Activity of Grape (Vitis vinifera L.) Stems: Toward a Sustainable Winery Industry

Chapter 24 - The Phenolic Gingerols and Gingerol-Derived Shogaols: Features and Properties Related to the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer and Chronic I


Plant polyphenols