TY - BOOK AU - Muncie, John., ed. TI - Criminology. Vol.2 The causes of crime / SN - 9781412911658 U1 - 364 PY - 2006/// CY - London, Thousand Oaks, CA PB - Sage Publications KW - Criminology N1 - v. 1. The meaning of crime -- v. 2. The causes of crime -- v. 3. Radical and critical criminologies. Volume One: The Meaning of Crime: Definition, Representation and Social Construction PART ONE: DEFINITION Crime, Law and Social Science - J Michael and M Adler Who Is the Criminal? - P R Tappan White-Collar Criminality - E H Sutherland The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison - J Reiman Defenders of Order or Guardians of Human Rights - H Schwendinger and J Schwendinger Social Harm Definitions of Crime - L Tifft The Prism of Crime - S Henry and M M Lanier Arguments for an Integrated Definition of Crime Critical Criminology and the Concept of Crime - L Hulsman PART TWO: REPRESENTATION Bias in the Newspaper Reporting of Crime News - J Ditton and J Duffy Repetitive Retribution - C R Sanders and E Lyon Media Images and the Cultural Construction of Criminal Justice The Construction of Crime News - Y Jewkes What Makes Crime 'News'? - J Katz Mods, Rockers and the Rest - S Cohen Community Reactions to Juvenile Delinquency The Amplification of Drug Use - J Young Rethinking Moral Panic for Multi-Mediated Social Worlds - A McRobbie and S Thornton Moral Panics as Cultural Politics - S Cohen Crime and the Media - R Osborne From Media Studies to Postmodernism PART THREE: SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION Chapter One from Outsiders: Studies in the Sociology of Deviance - H Becker The Media's Role in the Definition of Crime - R Surette and C Otto The Criminalization of Conduct - W J Chambliss Crime as Category - Domestic and Globalized - L Nader Volume Two: The Causes of Crime PART ONE: ORIGINS OF CRIMINOLOGY: CLASSICISM AND POSITIVISM On Crimes and Punishments - C Beccaria Of the Development of the Propensity to Crime - A Quetelet Crime - C Lombroso Its Causes and Remedies PART TWO: BIOLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Antisocial Behaviour - A Raine and P Venables Evolution, Genetics, Neuropsychology and Psychophysiology Role of Genotype in the Cycle of Violence in Maltreated Children - A Caspi et al Crime and Personality - H J Eysenck The Concentration of Offending in Families - D Farrington, G Barnes and S Lambert PART THREE: SOCIOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS Social Structure and Anomie - R Merton Chapter One of Delinquency, Crime and Differential Association - D Cressey Illegitimate Means, Anomie and Deviant Behaviour - R Cloward Foundation for a General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency - R Agnew Deviant Places - R Stark A Theory of the Ecology of Crime PART FOUR: RATIONAL CHOICE AND REALIST EXPLANATIONS Chapter 13 of Thinking about Crime, Second Edition - J Q Wilson Psychology and Crime - R V G Clarke Broken Windows - J Q Wilson and G Kelling Routine Activities and Crime Prevention in the Developing Metropolis - M Felson Underclass - C Murray The Crisis Deepens Ten Points of Realism - J Young Crime and Market Society - E Currie Lessons from the USA Volume Three: Radical and Critical Criminologies PART ONE: ANTI-POSITIVISM: INTERACTIONISM AND LABELLING Point of View - E Tannenbaum Techniques of Neutralization - G M Sykes and D Matza A Theory of Delinquency The Concept of Secondary Deviation - E Lemert Whose Side Are We on? - H Becker PART TWO: MARXIST CRIMINOLOGIES Criminality and Economic Conditions - W Bonger Towards a Political Economy of Crime - W Chambliss Crime and the Development of Capitalism - R Quinney PART THREE: CRITICAL CRIMINOLOGIES Conclusion Chapter of The New Criminology - I Taylor, P Walton and J Young Drifting into a Law and Order Society - S Hall The Politics of Abolition - T Mathiesen Prison Talk - C Gordon PART FOUR: FEMINIST CRIMINOLOGIES AND GENDER STUDIES Redressing the Balance - C Smart Feminism and Criminology - K Daly and M Chesney-Lind Feminist Approaches to Criminology or Postmodern Woman Meets Atavistic Man - C Smart Masculinities and Crime - T Jefferson PART FIVE: CRITICAL ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL RESEARCH State Crime, Human Rights and the Limits of Criminology - P Green and T Ward Scrutinizing the Powerful - S Tombs and D Whyte Crime, Contemporary Political Economy and Critical Social Research Towards a Criminology of War in Europe - R Jamieson Criminological Verstehen - J Ferrell Inside the Immediacy of Crime ER -