Biodiversity: biomolecular aspects of biodiversity and innovative utilization / edited by Bilge Şener. - New York : Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, c2002. - xx, 412 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

"Proceedings of the 3rd IUPAC International Conference on Biodiversity (ICOB-3), November 3-8, 2001, Antalya, Turkey."

Includes bibliographical references and index.

1. Integration of Conservation and Utilization in Temperate Hardwood Species; J. Kleinschmit, J.R.G. Kleinschmit. 2. The Conservation of Genetic and Chemical Diversity in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants; V.H. Heywood. 3. Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in Wild Relatives of Crop Species; Bao-Rong Lu. 4. Perspectives on Human Genome Diversity within Pakistan Using Y Chromosomal and Autosomal Microsatellite Markers; S.Q. Mehdi, et al. 5. Lessons from Nature Show the Way to Safe and Environmentally Pacific Pest Control; W.S. Bowers. 6. Biodiversity of Soil Fauna in Different Ecosystems in Egypt with Particular References to Insect Predators; A.Khalek M. Hussein. 7. Optimization of Natural Procedures Leads: Discovery of MylotargTM, CCI-779 and GAR 936; M. Abou-Gharbia. 8. Bioactive Compunds from Some Endangered Plants of Africa; B.M. Abegaz, J. Mutanyatta. 9. New Bioactive Substances Reported from the African Flora; E. Dagne. 10. Bioactive Components of a Peruvian Herbal Medicine, Chucuhuasi (Maytenus amazonica); E. Okuyama, et al. 11. Discovery of Natural Products from Indonesian Tropical Rainforest Plants: Chemodiversity of Artocarpus (Moraceae); S. Arifin Achmad, et al. 12. Seminal Findings on a Novel Enzyme: Mechanism of Biochemical Action of 4-Methylcoumarins, Constituents of Medicinal and Edible Plants; V.S. Parmar, et al. 13. Medicinal Plants - A Source of Potential Chemicals of Diverse Structures and Biological Activity; B.S. Siddiqui, et al. 14. Biodiversity in Turkish Folk Medicine; E. Yesilada. 15. Biodiversity of Phenylethanoids Glycosides; I. Calis. 16. The Chemo- and Biodiversity of Endophytes; Ren Xiang Tan, Ren Xin Zou. 17. Molecular Diversity and Specificity of Arthropod Toxins; E.V. Grishin, et al. 18. Chemical Diversity of Coral Reef Organisms; T. Higa, et al. 19. Chemical Signals from Sponges and their Allelopathic Effects on Other Marine Animals; M.J. Garson. 20. Anti-Cancer Metabolites from Marine Sponges; D. Tasdemir. 21. Altitudinal and Latitudinal Diversity on the Flora on Eastern and Western Sides of the Red Sea; A.K. Hegazy, W.M. Amer. 22. Biodiversity and Free Market Mechanism; K. Ok. 23. Domestication and Determination of Yield and Quality Aspects of Wild Mentha Species Growing in Southern Turkey; M. Ozguven, et al. 24. Some Ornamental Geophytes from the East Anatolia; M. Koyuncu. 25. Bioactive Molecules from Cynodon dactylon of Indian Biodiversity; N. Raman, et al. 26. Phenylethanoid Glycosides Glycosides with Free Radical Scavenging Properties from Verbascum wiedemannianum; I. alis, et al. 27. Antioxidant Activity of Capsicum annum L. Fruit Extracts on Acetaminophen Toxicity; B. Eryilmaz, et al. 28. In Vitro Antileishmanial Activity of Proanthocyanidins and Related Compounds; H. Kolodziej, et al. 29. Evaluation of the Antileishmanial Activity of Two New Diterpenoids and Extracts From Salvia cilicica; Nur Tan, et al. 30. Antibacterial and Antifungal Activities of Sedum sartorianum subsp. sartorianum; M. Koray Sakar, et al. 31. Blood Pressure Lowering Activity of Active Principle from Ocimum basilicum; K. Aftab. 32. Chemical Variability in Azadirachta indica Growing in Tamil Nadu State of India; N. Kaushik, B. Gurdev Singh. 33. Pesticidal Activity of Eucalyptus Leaf Extracts Against Helicoverpa armigera Larvae; N. Kaushik. 34. Two New Lignans from Taxus baccata L.; N. Erdemoglu, B. Sener. 35. Lignans from Taxus baccata L.; N. Erdemoglu, B. Sener. 36. Heraclenol and Isopimpinellin: Two Rare Furocoumarins from Ruta montana; N. Benkiki, et al. 37. A chemotaxonomic study on the genus Ferulago sect. Humiles (Umbelliferae); E. Akalin, et al. 38. Aromatic Biodiversity Among Three Endemic Thymus Species of Iran; S. Ebrahim Sajjadi. 39. Volatile onstituents of the Leaves of Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Willd. from Iran; A. Alighanadi (Ghannadi), M. Mehri-Ardestani. 40. Fatty Acid Composition of the Aerial Parts of Urtica dioica (Stinging Nettle) L. (Urticaceae); E. Bagci. 41. Fatty Acid Composition of Aconitum Orientale Miller and A. Nasutum Fisch. ex Reichb Seeds: a Chemotaxonomic Approach; E. Bagci, H. Ozcelik. 42. New Peptide from a Bacterium Associated with Marine Sponge Ircinia muscarum; S. de Rosa, et al. 43. Sheep Brain Glutathione Reductase: Purification and Some Properties; N.L. Acan, E.F. Tezcan. 44. Some Morphological and Phenological Characters of Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) Grown in Hatay Province of Turkey; D. Alpaslan Kaya, F. Ayanoglu. 45. Genetic Diversity of Two Native Forest Tree Species in Turkey: Pinus brutia Ten. and Cupressus sempervirens L.; N. Kay, K. Isik. 46. The Vegetation Studies in the Pure Stands of Kurtun (Gumushane) Forests in Turkey; M. Kucuk, O. Eyuboglu. 47. 7th Year IPM Implementation: The Biodiversity of Pests and their Beneficial Species in the Protected Vegetable in the Aegean Region of Turkey; N. Yasarakinci. 48. Phytopreparations from the Species of Limonium Mill; G. Zhusupova, et al. 49. The Biological Activities of New Heterocyclic Compounds Containing Nitrogen and Sulphur; F. Aydogan, et al. 50. Synthetic modification of iridoids to non-natural indole alkaloids; A. Kocsis, P. Matyus. 51. The Complexation of New 1, 3-Dithiocalix (4) Arene Containing Oxime Derivative; N.Y. Coskun, et al. 52. Convenient Route to Quinoline-Tetrahydroquinolines from Quinoline-Carboxaldehydes; L.Y. Vargas Mendeza, et al. 53. Quantum Chemical Research of Quercetin, Myricetin, their Bromo- and Sulpho Derivatives; G. Zhusupova, V. Gapdrakipov. 54. Destruction and Conservation of Turkish Orchids; E. Sezik.


Biological products

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