Pseudomonas: biosynthesis of macromolecules and molecular metabolism / edited by Juan-Luis Ramos. - Boston : Kluwer Academic/Plenum, c2004- - V.3, xviii, 744 p. ill. ;HB 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

1. Lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomouas acruginosa.
Joseph S. Lam, Mauricia Matewish, and Karen K.H. Poon
2. Alginate Biosynthesis.
Sumita Jain and Dennis E. Ohman
3. Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Biologically Significant
Acyl Transfer Reactions in Pseudomonads
Herbert P. Schweizer
4. The Biosynthesis of Hemes, Siroheme, Vitamin B|2
and Linear Tetrapyrroles in Pseudomonads .
Nicole Frankenberg, Max Schobert, Jiirgen Moser, Fvelyne Raux,
Ross Graham, Martin J. Warren, and Dieter Jahn
5. Production of Cyclic Lipopeptides by
Fluorescent Pseudomonads.
Ole Nybroe and Jan Sorensen
6. Biosynthesis of Rhamnolipids.
Gloria Soberon-Chavez
Alternative Respiratory Substrates
7. Denitrification by Pseudomonads: Control
and Assembly Processes
Walter G. Zumft
8. Physiological Evidence for Respiration of TNT
by Pseudomonas sp. JLRl 1 . ,
Juan-Luis Ramos, Antonio Caballero. Estrella Duque, Pieter van
Dillewijn, Maria del Mar Gonzalez-Perez, and Abraham Esteve-Nunez
Catabolism and Biotransformations
9. Arginine and Polyamine Metabolism.
Yoshifumi Itoh and Yuji Nakada
10. Proline and Lysine Metabolism.
Olga Revelles and Manuel Espinosa-Urgel
11. Activation of Transcription Initiation and Regulation
ofTryptophan Biosynthesis in Fluorescent Pseudomonads
Gary N. Gussin
12. Metabolism of Sulphur-Containing Organic Compounds.
Michael A. Kertesz
13. Ring-Cleavage Dioxygenases
Frederic H. Vaillancourt, Jeffrey T. Bolin, and Lindsay D. Eltis
14. Alkane Degradation by Pseudomonads .
Jan B. van Beilen and Bernard Witholt
15. Genomic Insights in the Metabolism of Aromatic
Compounds in Pseudomonas
Jose I. Jimenez, Baltasar Minambres, Jose Luis Garcia,
and Eduardo Diaz
16. Catabolism of PAHs ,
Yuki Kasai and Shigeaki Harayama
17. Overexpression and Secretion of Pseudomonas Lipases
Karl-Erich Jaeger and Frank Rosenau
18. Degradation of Chloroaromatics by Pseudomona(d)s
Dietmar H. Pieper and Walter Reineke
19. Catabolism of Nitroaromatic Compounds .
Shirley F. Nishino and Jim C. Spain
20. Solvent-Tolerance of Pseudomonads: A New
Degree of Freedom in Biocatalysis .
Jan Wery and Jan A.M. de Bont
Secondary Metabolism
21. Biosynthesis and Regulation of Anti-Fungal
Metabolites by Pseudomonads
John P. Morrissey, Meabh Cullinane, Abdelhamid Abbas,
Genevieve L. Mark, and Fergal O'Gara
22. Cyanogenesis
Gabriella Pessi and Dieter Haas
23. Polyketide Antibiotics of Pseudomonas.
Joanne Hothersall and Christopher M. Thomas



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