Pseudomonas: virulence and gene regulation / edited by Juan-Luis Ramos. - Boston : Kluwer Academic/Plenum, c2004- - V.2, xvii, 553 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

1. Virulence Factors in Pseiidonioiuis acruginosd
Christian van Deiden
2. ATP-Utilizing Enzymes, Purinergie Receptor Modulation,
Cupredoxins and Mammalian Cell Death ,
Tohru Yamada and Ananda M. Chakrabarty
3. Iron Regulation and Siderophore Signalling in Virulence
by Pseiiclonioiuis acruginosa. .
Paolo Visea
4. New Insights into the Biosynthesis, Mode of Aetion, and
Regulation of Syringomycin, Syringopeptin, and Coronatine
Carol L. Bender and Brenda K. Scholz-Schroeder
5. Current Ideas on the Genetics and Regulation of the
Synthesis of Phaseolotoxin in Pseiicloniona.s .svringac
pv. Phascolicola
Ariel Alvarez-Morales, Karina Lopez-Lopez, and
Jose Luis Hernandez-Florcs
6. The Type III Secretion Systems of Plant-Associated
Pseudomonads: Genes and Proteins on the Move
Gail M. Preston and Alan Collmer
7. Global Regulation in Pscudouionas syi-iin^ac.
David K. Willis and Thomas (i. Kinschcrr
8. Post-Transcriptional Regulation in Psciulomoiuis spp. via
the Gae/Rsm Regulatory Network.
Stephan Heeb, Karin I leurlier. Glaudio VaUerde.
Miguel Camara. Dieter Haas, and Paul Williams
9. Two-Component Signal Transduetion Systems: A Key to
the Adaptative Potential of Psciuloiuoiuis cicniyinosa..
Isabelle Ventre. Alain Filloux. and .Andree La/dunski
10. Transeription Mediated by /yjo/V-Dependent Promoters.
Marc Vails, lldefonso Cases, and Victor de Loren/o
1 1. Compiling (r^"-Dependent Promoters .
Patricia Domingue/-Cue\as and Silvia Marques
12. Compiling F.xtraeytoplasmic Function (liCF) Sigma
Factors Regulated Promoters in Psetulonionas. .
Vittorio VentLiri
13. Catabolite Repression and Physiological Control.
Fernando Rqjo and M. Alejandro Dinamarea
14. Regulation of Psciicloiiioiuis acniyiiu)sa
Exotoxin A Synthesis .
Abdul N. Flamood. .lane A. Colmer-I lamood. and
Nancy L. Carty
15. Lessons from the ami Gperon .
Robert Drew and Modhumila llaq
16. Transeriptional Regulation and Catabolie Strategies of
Phenol Degradative Pathways
Victoria Shingler
17. Enzymatic Activation of the cis-lrans and
Transcriptionai Regulation of Efflux Pumps in Soh cnt
Tolerance in Psciiclonionas piuiila.
Ana Scgura. Hermann J. lleipieper, Wilson Teran.
Maria Eugenia Guazzaroni, .Antonia Rojas,
Estrella Duque, Maria-Trinidad Gallegos. and
Juan-Luis Ramos
18. Transcriptionai Regulation of the Toluene
Catabolic Pathways.
Raquel Ruiz, M. Isabel Aranda-Olmedo,
Patricia Domingucz-C'uevas. M. Isabel Ramos-Gonzalez, and
Silvia Marques

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