Pseudomonas: genomics life style and molecular architecture / edited by Juan-Luis Ramos. - Boston : Kluwer Academic/Plenum, 2004. - V.1, xviii, 835 p. ill. ; 24 cm.

Includes bibliographical references and indexes.

1. Taxonomy of Pscuciomonads: l^xpcrimcntal Approaches
Norbcrto J. Pallcroni and Ixluard R.B. Moinc
2. The (ienome o\' Psciu/onioinis cicriij^inosa
Bridget R. Kiilasekara and Stephen I.ory
3. (ienomic Vcdluvcs oi' P.sciidonioiKis /)u!ichi Strain KT244
Vitor A.P Martins dos Santos. Kenneth N. Timmis,
Burkhard Tiimmler and Christian Weinel
4. The Genome oi' P.scuc/omoiui.s .vr/7/;g'c/e Tomato DC3
and Functional (ienomic Studies to better Understand
Plant Pathogenesis
Yashitola Jatnir, Xiaoyan Tang and .lames R. Alfano
5. Comparative Cienomics of Four P.sciiclonionas Speeies
Lars .luhl .lensen, Marie Skovgaard, Thomas Sicheritz-Ponten.
NiclasTue Hansen, I lelle .lohansson. Merete Kjicr .lorgensen.
Kristoffer Kiil. Peter F. Flallin and David Ussery
6. (jenomics of Catabolic Plasmids
Peter A. Williams, Rheinallt M. .lones and Gerben Zylstra
7. Plasmids of the (ienus Psctu/onionas
Christopher M. Thomas and Anthony S. Uaines
H. Phages o\' Psciicloinonas
Tetsuya Flayashi and Keisuke Nakayama
9. Transposition and Other Miitational Processes
in Pscitdoinoiuis .
Maia Kivisaar
10. Molecular Tools for Genetic Analysis of Pseudomonads
Herbert P. Sclnveizer and Victor de Loren/o
11. In Vivo Gene Expression: The I VET System
Manuel Espinosa-Urgel and Maria Isabel Ramos-Gon/ale/
Life Styles
12. Pseudonwnas in the Soil Em ironment
Jan Sorensen and Ole Nybroe
13. Life in the Rhizosphere .
Ben J.J. Lugtenberg and Guido V. Bloemberg
14. Life in the Phyllosphere
Mark J. Bailey
15. Life as a Biocontrol Pseudomonad
Yvan Moenne-Loccoz and Genevieve Defago
16. The Pathogenic Lifestyle of Psciidomonas cwruginosa
in Model Systems of Virulence
David A. D'Argenio
17. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Interactions with Host Cells
Gerald B. Pier and Joanna B. Goldberg
18. The Biofilm Lifestyle of Pseudomonads
Tim Tolker-Nielsen and Seren Molin
Cell Architecture
19. The Outer Membranes of Pseudomonads
Sandeep Tamber and Robert E.W. Hancock
20. The Tol-OprL System of Pseudomonas
Jose J. Rodrfguez-Herva and Maria A. Llarnas
21. Efflux Pumps
Keith Poole
22. The Flagellar System of Pseud,mw„m- „en,gi,u,sa .
andmi Dasgupta, Shiwani K. Aiora and Reuben Ramphal
23. Mechanisms of Adhesion by Pseiidomonads
Shannon M. Hinsa and (ieorge A. O'Toole
24. Fimbrial (ienes in Pscudonionas acruginosa
and Psciu/oniona.s putichi
Alain Fillou.x. Sopliie de Ik-ntzmann. Marianne .-Xurou/e.
Andree Lazdunski and Isabeile Vallet
25. Protein Secretion Mechanisms in Pscmlomonas
Alain Filloux, Sophie Bleves. Peter \an Ulsen and Jan Tommassen
26. Chemotaxis in Pseudomonads
Rebecca E. Parales. Abel Ferrandez and Caroline S. Fiarwood



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