
Industrial Relations, Trade Unions, and Labour Legislation/ - Pearson,

Chapter 1: Trade Unionism
Chapter 2: Structure and Government of Trade Unions
Chapter 3: Trade Union Movement in Great Britain
Chapter 4: Trade Union Movement in India-Up to 1949
Chapter 5: Trade Union Movement in India-1950 Onwards
Chapter 6: Size and Finance of Indian Trade Unions
Chapter 7: Structure and Government of Indian Trade Unions
Chapter 8: Indian Trade Unions, Political Parties, and Problem of Leadership
Chapter 9: Trade Union Rivalry and Recognition
Chapter 10: Industrial Relations-Definition and Main Aspects
Chapter 11: Industrial Disputes and Strikes
Chapter 12: Methods of Settling Industrial Disputes
Chapter 13: Collective Bargaining
Chapter 14: Labour-Management Cooperation/Workers' Participation in Management
Chapter 15: Principles of Labour Legislation
Chapter 16: Factory Legislation
Chapter 17: Payment of Wages Legislation
Chapter 18: Minimum Wage Legislation
Chapter 19: Equal Remuneration Legislation
Chapter 20: Trade Union Legislation
Chapter 21: Legislation Concerning Settlement of Industrial Disputes
Chapter 22: Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Legislation
Chapter 23: Evolution and Growth of Social Security Legislation in India
Chapter 24: Workmen's Compensation Legislation
Chapter 25: Maternity Benefit Legislation
Chapter 26: Employees' State Insurance Act, 1948
Chapter 27: Provident Fund Legislation
Chapter 28: Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Chapter 29: Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986
Chapter 30: Shops and Establishments Acts
Chapter 31: Labour Administration
Chapter 32: International Labour Organisation
Chapter 33: Recommendations of the Second National Commission on Labour (2002)