Social Media and Democracy/ - New York: Routledge, 2012.

1. Introduction: Networking democracy? Social media innovations in participatory politics BRIAN D. LOADER and DAN MERCEA Part I: Social Movements: Pushing the Boundaries of Digital Political Participation
2. Digital Media and the Personalization of Collective Action: Social Technology and the Organization of Protests Against the Global Economic Crisis W. LANCE BENNETT and ALEXANDRA SEGERBERG
3. Communication in Movement: social movements as agents of participatory democracy DONATELLA DELLA PORTA Part II: Participation Dynamics: Intersections Between Social and Traditional Media
4. Poverty in the News: A Framing Analysis of Coverage in Canada and the United Kingdom JOANNA REDDEN
5. The News Media as Networked Political Actors: How Italian Media are Reclaiming Political Ground Political Ground by Harnessing Online Participation CRISTIAN VACCARI
6. Trust, Confidence, Credibility: Citizen Responses on Twitter to Opinion Polls During the 2010 UK General Election NICK ANSTEAD, BEN O’LOUGHLIN, LAWRENCE AMPOFO
7. What the Hashtag? A Content Analysis of Canadian Politics on Twitter TAMARA SMALL Part III: Digital Political Participation in Stasis or Flux?
8. The Political Competence of Internet Participants- Evidence from Finland HENRIK SERUP CHRISTENSEN and ÅSA BENGTSSON 9. Reaching Citizens Online: How Youth Organizations are Evolving their Web Presence JANELLE WARD
10. Online Youth Civic Attitudes and the Limits of Civic Consumerism: the Emerging Challenge to the Internet’s Democratic Potential ROMAN GERODIMOS Chapter
11. Constructing Australian Youth Online: Empowered but Dutiful Citizens? ARIADNE VROMEN
12. Online Participation: New Forms of Civic and Political Engagement or Just New Opportunities for Networked Individualism GIOVANNA MASCHERONI
13. How the Internet is Giving Birth (to) a New Social Order JODI H. COHEN & JENNIFER M. RAYMOND


International Relations