Sandoval, Marisol

From Corporate to Social Media/ - New York: Routledge, 2014.

1. Introduction
2. Corporate Social Responsibility: Critical Perspectives
3. Social Responsibility and the Media
4. Towards a Critical Empirical Case Study of CSR in Media and Communication Industries
5. Apple: Dirty Computers?
6. AT&T: Internet Censor?
7. Google: Evil Spy?
8. HP: Hazardous Products? CSR Approach
9. Microsoft: Knowledge Monopoly?
10. News Corporation: Consciousness Industry?
11. The Walt Disney Company: Nightmare Factory?
12. Vivendi: Corporate Pirates?
13. Social (Ir)Responsibility in the Media and Communication System
14. The Logic of Property and the Logic of the Common in the Media System
15. Conclusion: Social Media as Commons-Based Media


Social Science
Economics -- Finance