Thorpe, Edgar

General studies for civil services preliminary examination: history and culture/ Edgar Thorpe and Showick Thorpe - Uttar Pradesh: Pearson, 2017. - v.6, 290 p. PB

paper 1

The Pre-Historic Period
The Palaeolithic Man (Approximately
500000-8000 BC)
The Mesolithic Man (Approximately
8000-4000 BC)
The Neolithic Man or New Stone Age
(4000-1800 EC)
The Metal Age (1800-1000 bc)
Indus Valley Civilization (2500—1700 Be'
Area and Jurisdiction
Discovery of the Indus Valley Civilization
Aspects of Indus Culture
Decay of Indus Valley Civilization
The Successors
The Vedic Period: The Aryans
Early Vedic Age (1500-1000 bc)
Six Systems of the Indian Philosophy
Later Vedic Period (1000-600 bc)
The Emergence of Kingdoms or
Growth of Jainism and Buddhism
Magadha Empire (Sixth Century
to Fourth Century bc)
Persian and Macedonian Invasions
Persian Invasion
Macedonian Invasion
The Mauryan Empire (321-289 bc)
Chandragupta Maurya (320-300 bc)
Bindusara (296—273 bc)
Ashoka the Great (269-232 bc)
Causes of Decline of the Mauryan Empire
Post-Mauryan Period
The Kushans
The Deccan and the South
Religious Sects of Post-Mauryan and
the Gupta Period
The Gupta Dynasty (ad 320-550)
Important Gupta Rulers
Later Guptas
Rise of Feudalism in India
The Vardhanas (ad 550-647)
Harshavardhana (ad 606-646)
The Rajputs (ad 650-1200)
Salient Features of the Rajput Kingdoms
The Southern Dynasties
The Shathavahanas (230 BC to ad 225)
The Pallavas (ad 330-796)
The Chalukyas (ad 535-1190)
The Pandyas of Madurai (ad 590-1323)
The Chola Dynasty (ad 850-1310)
Rashtrakutas (ad 753-973)
Vijayanagara Empire
Other Features of Southern Dynasties
Multiple-choice Questions
Oi iftinal UPSC Civil Sei^'ices Questions
The Coming of Islam
The Arab Invasion (711-715)
The Turkish Invasion (986-1206)
The Slave Dynasty (1206-1290)
Khusrau Khan (1320)
The Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414)
The Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1450)
The Lodhi Dynasty (1451-1526)
Medieval Period And Administration
Decline of Delhi Sultanate
Religion in Medieval India
Southern Dynasties
Indo-Islamic Architecture
The Mughal Dynasty (1526-1540 .
and 1555-1857)
The Early Mughals (1526-1556)
Golden Period of the Mughals
Later Mughals (1707-1862)
Mughal Administration
Mughal Art, Architecture and Literature
Regional Powers During Mughal Period
The Marathas (1649-1748)
The Sikhs
The Jats
■ Multiple-choice Questions
Original UPSC Civil Se rvices Questions
The Coming of the Europeans
The Portuguese
The Dutch
The English
The French
The Danish and the Austrians
British East India Company and
the British Rule
British Governors Under Company Rule
^Economic Impact of the British Rule
Social and Religious Movements in the
Nineteenth Century
Viceroys of India
Indian Freedom Struggle
First War of Independence
Subaltern Movements of Nineteenth and
Twentieth Centuries
British Rule After the 1857 Revolt
Post-Rebellion Developments
Government of India Act, 1858
Administrative, Social and Judicial
Systems After 1858
Administrative Reforms
Reforms in Education
The Judiciary Reforms
Social Reforms
Multiple-choice Questions
Original UPSC Civil Services Questions
Rise of Nationalism
Awakening of National Consciousness
Emergence of Nationalist Movement
Indian National Congress (INC)
Origin of the Indiar National Congress
Terrorist and Revolutionary
Terrorist Movements
The Revolutionary Movement
Reasons for Failure
The Early Phase of the Freedom
Struggle (1900-1915)
THE Partition of Bengal (1905)
Swadeshi Movement (1905)
Origin of the Muslim League (1906)
Resolution of Swaraj (1906)
Surat Session: Split in Congress (1907)
Morley-Minto Reforms (1909)
diddle Phase of the Freedom Struggle
World War I-Reforms and Agitation
Home Rule Movement (1915-1916)
Lucknow Pact (1916)
August Declaration of 1917
Beginning of the Gandhian Era
The Government of India Act (1919)
Rowlatt Act (1919)
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (13 April 1919)
Khilafat Movement (1920)
Non-Cooperation Movement (1920-1922)
Chauri-Chaura Incident (1922)
Trade Union Movement
Communist Movement in India
Swaraj Party (1922)
Muddiman Committee (1924)
Simon Commission (1927)
Butler Committee (1927)
Delhi Muslim Proposal (1927)
Nehru Report (1928)
All Parties Muslim Conference (1929)
Jinnah's Fourteen Points (1929)
Lahore Session (1929)
Allahabad Address (1930)
Closer to Freedom (1930-1947) (
Civil Disobedience Movement (1930)
The First Round Table Conference
(12 November 1930)
Gandhi-Irwin Pact (5 March 1931)
Second Round Table Conference
(12 September 1931)
Civil Disobedience Movement
(Second Phase)
Third Round Table Conference
(17 November 1932)
The Communal Award (1932)
Poona Pact (1932) i
The Government of India Act (1935) i
World War 11 and the Indian Political
Resignation of Congress Ministers (1939)
Poona Resolution and Conditional
Support to Britain (1941)
August Offer of 194D
The Individual Civil Disobedience
Two-Nation Theory
Demand for Pakistan (1942)
Cripps Mission (March 1942)
Quit India Movement (1942-1945)
The CR Formula (1944)
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks (1944)
Desai—Liaqat Pact (1945)
Wavell Plan and Simla Conference (1945)
Provincial and General Elections of 1945
Cabinet Mission Plan (1946)
Azad Hind Fauj (Indian National Army)
Direct Action Campaign (1946)
Interim Government (1946)
Mountbatten Plan (1947)
India Wins Freedom
Indian Independence Act (1947)
Partition of India
Multiple-choice Questions
Original UPSC Civil Services Questions


Civil Services Examination

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